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1.1 Discussion, consideration, and action for a one-time variance for Parcel ID No. 177619 & 265583 from Volume I, Section IV (A) (2) (Residential Lots) of the Subdivision & Development Standards to allow one (1) additional permitted structure without meeting the minimum road frontage requirement. The property contains ± 64.81 acres of land located on the north side of FM 1181, ± 1,474 feet east of the intersection of FM 1181 and Allard Road, Ennis, Road and Bridge Precinct #2.
1.2 Discussion, consideration, and action for a one-time variance for Parcel ID No. 174011 from Volume I, Section IV (A) (2) (Residential Lots) of the Subdivision & Development Standards to allow one (1) lot without meeting the minimum road frontage requirement. The property contains ± 1.474 acres out of the ± 6.275 acres of land located on the north side of Panorama Loop, ± 650 feet west of the intersection of Hwy. 77 and Panorama Loop, in the extra-territorial jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Waxahachie, Road and Bridge Precinct #4.
2.1 Discussion, consideration, and approval to sign a contract with HOK, Inc. using the Master Services Agreement (MSA) between Ellis County and HOK, Inc. (Minute Order # 147.22) for architectural services on the Ellis County Annex Project in an amount of $703,699.
2.2 Discussion, consideration, and approval to purchase equipment, supplies, and services on an as-needed basis, within authorized budget, using the below cooperative contracts. One-time purchases over $50,000 shall be sent to court for approval of any permissible purchasing exemptions.
2.3 Discussion, consideration, and approval for an Annual Update for our Fixed Asset Inventory in the amount not to exceed $17,500 utilizing Texas Association of School Boards BuyBoard Cooperative Contract number 579-19 with RCI, funded by LINE ITEM CONTINGENCY - SURPLUS 001-0140-570000 to be reimbursed out of auction proceeds.
2.4 Discussion, consideration, and approval to award Bid Number RFB-2022-021 Concrete Composite Joint and Crack Seal to Supersealer USA for Road and Bridge Precincts #1 - #4.
2.5 Discussion, consideration, and approval of an Interlocal Cooperative Purchasing Agreement between Parker County and Ellis County pursuant to §271.102 of the Texas Local Government Code.
F.2 Approval of a joint project between Road & Bridge Pet #4 and Road Improvement Fund and Road District #5. The project will be on Shiloh Road from N. Walnut Grove to Bryson encompassing 2 miles. No line item transfers or budget amendments will be made. Money will be spent as follows:
3.1 Discussion, consideration, and approval of an Engagement Agreement with P3Works, LLC. -CountyJudge, ToddLittle
3.2 Discussion, consideration, and approval to authorize the County Judge to execute Order regarding settlement offers in the matter of Texas opioid multi-district litigation for the County in the matter of County of Ellis v. Purdue Pharma, Inc., et al., MDL PRETRIAL CAUSE NO. 2018-63587, in the 152d District Court of Harris County, Texas, removed to MDL 2804, N.D. OH. -John W. Raggio, Fears Nachawati Low Firm
3.3 Discussion, consideration, and approval to contest Highland Lakes MUD No. 1 and/or Highland Lakes Midlothian, I, LLC, approval to extend the County's engagement agreement with Bickerstaff Heath Delgado Acosta LLP, and approval to execute any necessary litigation documentation. - County and District Attorney, Ann Montgomery
3.4 Discussion, consideration, and approval of a FY2022-2023 Solid Waste Grant application through the North Central Texas Council of Governments for the purchase of cameras and security enclosures to be used for illegal dumping enforcement activities. The value is $7,466.95. No matching funds from Ellis County are required. - Fire Marshall, Tim Birdwell
3.5 Discussion, consideration, and approval of two invoices to North Texas Behavioral Health Authority from FY2022 funds. Invoice #1852 in the amount of $52,139.08 dated 06.01.2019 is for FY2019 and Invoice #2053 in the amount of $52,139.08 is for FY2020. The invoices were not received and need to be processed. - County Auditor, Janet Martin
3.6 Discussion, consideration and approval to terminate agreement with Brinks for the provision of armored car services and approve county employee positions to provide the service. - County Treasurer, Cheryl Chambers
3.7 Discussion, consideration, and approval of change order(s) to pay for Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program modifications in the amount of $40,746.06 regarding JJAEP construction project and vendor Lookup Properties, Inc. - County Engineer, Ted Kantor
3.8 Discussion, consideration, and approval to transfer $377,929.39 from 063-0963-508070 ARPA - Operating Expenses to Account Nos. 001-0360-505020; 001-0360-505530; 001-0360-505540; 001-0360-505500; and 001-0360-508070. This funding supports the addition of positions [(2) Attorneys, (2) Investigators, and (1) Clerk] necessary due to an increase in criminal cases from COVID backlog. - County and District Attorney, Ann Montgomery
3.9 Discussion, consideration, and approval to transfer $4,100.00 from 063-0963-508070 ARPA - Operating Expenses to Account No. 001-0360-508020 CA DA Equipment. This funding supports the addition of office furniture necessary to support increased office staffing due to an increase in criminal cases from COVID backlog. - County and District Attorney, Ann Montgomery
Mar 08, 2022 Commissioners Court
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1.1 Discussion, consideration, and action for a one-time variance for Parcel ID No. 177619 & 265583 from Volume I, Section IV (A) (2) (Residential Lots) of the Subdivision & Development Standards to allow one (1) additional permitted structure without meeting the minimum road frontage requirement. The property contains ± 64.81 acres of land located on the north side of FM 1181, ± 1,474 feet east of the intersection of FM 1181 and Allard Road, Ennis, Road and Bridge Precinct #2.
1.2 Discussion, consideration, and action for a one-time variance for Parcel ID No. 174011 from Volume I, Section IV (A) (2) (Residential Lots) of the Subdivision & Development Standards to allow one (1) lot without meeting the minimum road frontage requirement. The property contains ± 1.474 acres out of the ± 6.275 acres of land located on the north side of Panorama Loop, ± 650 feet west of the intersection of Hwy. 77 and Panorama Loop, in the extra-territorial jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Waxahachie, Road and Bridge Precinct #4.
2.1 Discussion, consideration, and approval to sign a contract with HOK, Inc. using the Master Services Agreement (MSA) between Ellis County and HOK, Inc. (Minute Order # 147.22) for architectural services on the Ellis County Annex Project in an amount of $703,699.
2.2 Discussion, consideration, and approval to purchase equipment, supplies, and services on an as-needed basis, within authorized budget, using the below cooperative contracts. One-time purchases over $50,000 shall be sent to court for approval of any permissible purchasing exemptions.
2.3 Discussion, consideration, and approval for an Annual Update for our Fixed Asset Inventory in the amount not to exceed $17,500 utilizing Texas Association of School Boards BuyBoard Cooperative Contract number 579-19 with RCI, funded by LINE ITEM CONTINGENCY - SURPLUS 001-0140-570000 to be reimbursed out of auction proceeds.
2.4 Discussion, consideration, and approval to award Bid Number RFB-2022-021 Concrete Composite Joint and Crack Seal to Supersealer USA for Road and Bridge Precincts #1 - #4.
2.5 Discussion, consideration, and approval of an Interlocal Cooperative Purchasing Agreement between Parker County and Ellis County pursuant to §271.102 of the Texas Local Government Code.
F.2 Approval of a joint project between Road & Bridge Pet #4 and Road Improvement Fund and Road District #5. The project will be on Shiloh Road from N. Walnut Grove to Bryson encompassing 2 miles. No line item transfers or budget amendments will be made. Money will be spent as follows:
3.1 Discussion, consideration, and approval of an Engagement Agreement with P3Works, LLC. -CountyJudge, ToddLittle
3.2 Discussion, consideration, and approval to authorize the County Judge to execute Order regarding settlement offers in the matter of Texas opioid multi-district litigation for the County in the matter of County of Ellis v. Purdue Pharma, Inc., et al., MDL PRETRIAL CAUSE NO. 2018-63587, in the 152d District Court of Harris County, Texas, removed to MDL 2804, N.D. OH. -John W. Raggio, Fears Nachawati Low Firm
3.3 Discussion, consideration, and approval to contest Highland Lakes MUD No. 1 and/or Highland Lakes Midlothian, I, LLC, approval to extend the County's engagement agreement with Bickerstaff Heath Delgado Acosta LLP, and approval to execute any necessary litigation documentation. - County and District Attorney, Ann Montgomery
3.4 Discussion, consideration, and approval of a FY2022-2023 Solid Waste Grant application through the North Central Texas Council of Governments for the purchase of cameras and security enclosures to be used for illegal dumping enforcement activities. The value is $7,466.95. No matching funds from Ellis County are required. - Fire Marshall, Tim Birdwell
3.5 Discussion, consideration, and approval of two invoices to North Texas Behavioral Health Authority from FY2022 funds. Invoice #1852 in the amount of $52,139.08 dated 06.01.2019 is for FY2019 and Invoice #2053 in the amount of $52,139.08 is for FY2020. The invoices were not received and need to be processed. - County Auditor, Janet Martin
3.6 Discussion, consideration and approval to terminate agreement with Brinks for the provision of armored car services and approve county employee positions to provide the service. - County Treasurer, Cheryl Chambers
3.7 Discussion, consideration, and approval of change order(s) to pay for Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program modifications in the amount of $40,746.06 regarding JJAEP construction project and vendor Lookup Properties, Inc. - County Engineer, Ted Kantor
3.8 Discussion, consideration, and approval to transfer $377,929.39 from 063-0963-508070 ARPA - Operating Expenses to Account Nos. 001-0360-505020; 001-0360-505530; 001-0360-505540; 001-0360-505500; and 001-0360-508070. This funding supports the addition of positions [(2) Attorneys, (2) Investigators, and (1) Clerk] necessary due to an increase in criminal cases from COVID backlog. - County and District Attorney, Ann Montgomery
3.9 Discussion, consideration, and approval to transfer $4,100.00 from 063-0963-508070 ARPA - Operating Expenses to Account No. 001-0360-508020 CA DA Equipment. This funding supports the addition of office furniture necessary to support increased office staffing due to an increase in criminal cases from COVID backlog. - County and District Attorney, Ann Montgomery
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