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1.1 Discussion, consideration, and action on a plat of 6 MTZ Bros on Hampel. The property contains ± 1.02 acres in the R. De La Pena Survey, Abstract No. 3, located on the south side of Hampel Road, ± 775 feet east of the intersection of Hampel Road and N Interstate 45 Service Road, in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Palmer, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 1.
1.2 Discussion, consideration, and action on a plat of Montfort Brown. The property contains ± 4.073 acres in the J.B. & A. Survey, Abstract No. 5, the R. Russell Survey, Abstract No. 911, located at the northeast corner of the intersection of North Grove Boulevard and FM 813, in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Waxahachie, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 3.
1.3 Discussion, consideration, and action on a plat of Santamaria Ranch, Lots 1-3, Block A. The property contains ± 4.992 acres in the J. Chamblee Survey, Abstract No. 192, located on the south side of Miller Road, ± 1,470 south of the intersection of Miller Road and Old Fort Worth Road, in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Midlothian, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 3.
1.4 Discussion, consideration, and action to execute an interlocal agreement between Ellis County and Prairielands Groundwater Conservation District (PGCD), establishing a formal review process for plats requesting groundwater as the primary water source in the unincorporated areas of the County.
Public Hearing No. 1
1.5 Discussion, consideration, and action upon amendments to the Ellis County Quality Growth Initiatives, Volume I, Section IX (Mobile/Manufactured Home & RV Parks) and Section XXI (Definitions). These amendments are primarily designed to update the requirements for infrastructure development plans for manufactured/mobile home & RV parks, multi-tenant developments, and any other related additions, deletions, and changes, as well as providing a conflicts clause, severability clause, and an effective date.
2.1 Discussion, consideration, and approval of the Service Agreement with AT&T Local Government Solutions for communication services at countywide facilities.
2.2 Discussion, consideration, and approval to cancel the contract with College Street Printing Co. RFB-2020-021 Printed Forms (Minute Order 137.21).
2.3 Discussion, consideration, and approval of a price increase for RFB-2022-001 Asphaltic Concrete Patching Material 50-60 lb. Bags. This request is based upon the current Producers Price Index (PPI) at a rate of 18.5%.
2.4 Discussion, consideration, and action to declare the listed item(s) as surplus to be disposed in accordance with the Texas Local Government Code, Chapter 263: one (1) 1981 Ferguson Roller SP-912, VIN E0078, from Precinct 3.
2.5 Discussion, consideration, and approval to install network cabling and related equipment at the Red oak Tax Office using Morley Moss, Inc., in an amount of $12,197.52.
2.6 Discussion, consideration, and approval to remove existing cameras at the Red Oak Tax Office and to reinstall the camera system at the new Red Oak Tax Office utilizing services from Bat Security in an amount of $2,633.00.
2.7 Discussion, consideration, and approval of HOK Task Order #1 using the Master Services Agreement (MSA) between Ellis County and HOK, Inc. (Minute Order 147.22) for architectural services on the Ellis County Annex Project in an amount of $76,456.00.
3.1 Presentation of sexual assault protocols as established by the Sexual Assault Response Team. - County & District Attorney Ann Montgomery
Nov 29, 2022 Commissioners Court
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1.1 Discussion, consideration, and action on a plat of 6 MTZ Bros on Hampel. The property contains ± 1.02 acres in the R. De La Pena Survey, Abstract No. 3, located on the south side of Hampel Road, ± 775 feet east of the intersection of Hampel Road and N Interstate 45 Service Road, in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Palmer, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 1.
1.2 Discussion, consideration, and action on a plat of Montfort Brown. The property contains ± 4.073 acres in the J.B. & A. Survey, Abstract No. 5, the R. Russell Survey, Abstract No. 911, located at the northeast corner of the intersection of North Grove Boulevard and FM 813, in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Waxahachie, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 3.
1.3 Discussion, consideration, and action on a plat of Santamaria Ranch, Lots 1-3, Block A. The property contains ± 4.992 acres in the J. Chamblee Survey, Abstract No. 192, located on the south side of Miller Road, ± 1,470 south of the intersection of Miller Road and Old Fort Worth Road, in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Midlothian, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 3.
1.4 Discussion, consideration, and action to execute an interlocal agreement between Ellis County and Prairielands Groundwater Conservation District (PGCD), establishing a formal review process for plats requesting groundwater as the primary water source in the unincorporated areas of the County.
Public Hearing No. 1
1.5 Discussion, consideration, and action upon amendments to the Ellis County Quality Growth Initiatives, Volume I, Section IX (Mobile/Manufactured Home & RV Parks) and Section XXI (Definitions). These amendments are primarily designed to update the requirements for infrastructure development plans for manufactured/mobile home & RV parks, multi-tenant developments, and any other related additions, deletions, and changes, as well as providing a conflicts clause, severability clause, and an effective date.
2.1 Discussion, consideration, and approval of the Service Agreement with AT&T Local Government Solutions for communication services at countywide facilities.
2.2 Discussion, consideration, and approval to cancel the contract with College Street Printing Co. RFB-2020-021 Printed Forms (Minute Order 137.21).
2.3 Discussion, consideration, and approval of a price increase for RFB-2022-001 Asphaltic Concrete Patching Material 50-60 lb. Bags. This request is based upon the current Producers Price Index (PPI) at a rate of 18.5%.
2.4 Discussion, consideration, and action to declare the listed item(s) as surplus to be disposed in accordance with the Texas Local Government Code, Chapter 263: one (1) 1981 Ferguson Roller SP-912, VIN E0078, from Precinct 3.
2.5 Discussion, consideration, and approval to install network cabling and related equipment at the Red oak Tax Office using Morley Moss, Inc., in an amount of $12,197.52.
2.6 Discussion, consideration, and approval to remove existing cameras at the Red Oak Tax Office and to reinstall the camera system at the new Red Oak Tax Office utilizing services from Bat Security in an amount of $2,633.00.
2.7 Discussion, consideration, and approval of HOK Task Order #1 using the Master Services Agreement (MSA) between Ellis County and HOK, Inc. (Minute Order 147.22) for architectural services on the Ellis County Annex Project in an amount of $76,456.00.
3.1 Presentation of sexual assault protocols as established by the Sexual Assault Response Team. - County & District Attorney Ann Montgomery
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