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1.1 Discussion, consideration, and action on a plat of Cilia's Country Estate Lot 1, Block A. The property contains ± 1.037 acres in the R de la Pena Survey, Abstract No. 3, located on the east side of Alsdorf Road, ±4,780 feet east of the intersection of Union Hill Road and Alsdorf Road, Ennis, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 1.
2.1 Discussion, consideration, and approval to revise Lease Purchase Agreement No. 3159C with American National Leasing in an amount of $17,411.
2.2 Discussion, consideration, and approval to purchase a Tiger RT50D Boom Mower mounted on a John Deere 6110M Tractor for Road & Bridge Precinct 1 using the BuyBoard Cooperative Contract #611-20, paid from Line Item 009-0602-508020 in the amount of $194,501.00.
3.1 Discussion, consideration, and approval to give funding assistance for construction of the Ellis County Museum. Funding will be provided from Non-Departmental Community Support. - County Judge Todd Little
3.2 Approval for the Department of Development to reclassify an Inspector I position approved in the FY 2023 Budget as a Clerk II position. - Department of Development Director Alberto Mares
3.3 Approval to reclassify, effective January 23rd , an Attorney IV position to an Attorney V position in the budget for the County & District Attorney's Office. There will be funds in the current salary line item to cover the additional funds expended due to the reclassification. - County & District Attorney Ann Montgomery
3.4 Update on the status of the Ellis County Justice/Records Management Software Systems by BerryDunn. - Purchasing Agent E.J. Harb
3.5 Approval to appoint Kathy Tucker as the Ellis County representative on the Prairielands Groundwater Conservation District Board, replacing and recommended by Randy Kirk. - Commissioner Paul Perry, Precinct 3
3.6 Discussion, consideration, and approval to appoint Kameron Rayburn and Corey Rogan to the Ellis County Historical Commission for a two-year term beginning January 1st , 2023 and ending December 31st , 2024. - County Judge Todd Little
3.7 Discussion, consideration, and approval of the County Judge recommendation to appoint the Judge Pro Tern. - County Judge Todd Little
Jan 10, 2023 Commissioners Court
Full agenda
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Full agenda
1.1 Discussion, consideration, and action on a plat of Cilia's Country Estate Lot 1, Block A. The property contains ± 1.037 acres in the R de la Pena Survey, Abstract No. 3, located on the east side of Alsdorf Road, ±4,780 feet east of the intersection of Union Hill Road and Alsdorf Road, Ennis, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 1.
2.1 Discussion, consideration, and approval to revise Lease Purchase Agreement No. 3159C with American National Leasing in an amount of $17,411.
2.2 Discussion, consideration, and approval to purchase a Tiger RT50D Boom Mower mounted on a John Deere 6110M Tractor for Road & Bridge Precinct 1 using the BuyBoard Cooperative Contract #611-20, paid from Line Item 009-0602-508020 in the amount of $194,501.00.
3.1 Discussion, consideration, and approval to give funding assistance for construction of the Ellis County Museum. Funding will be provided from Non-Departmental Community Support. - County Judge Todd Little
3.2 Approval for the Department of Development to reclassify an Inspector I position approved in the FY 2023 Budget as a Clerk II position. - Department of Development Director Alberto Mares
3.3 Approval to reclassify, effective January 23rd , an Attorney IV position to an Attorney V position in the budget for the County & District Attorney's Office. There will be funds in the current salary line item to cover the additional funds expended due to the reclassification. - County & District Attorney Ann Montgomery
3.4 Update on the status of the Ellis County Justice/Records Management Software Systems by BerryDunn. - Purchasing Agent E.J. Harb
3.5 Approval to appoint Kathy Tucker as the Ellis County representative on the Prairielands Groundwater Conservation District Board, replacing and recommended by Randy Kirk. - Commissioner Paul Perry, Precinct 3
3.6 Discussion, consideration, and approval to appoint Kameron Rayburn and Corey Rogan to the Ellis County Historical Commission for a two-year term beginning January 1st , 2023 and ending December 31st , 2024. - County Judge Todd Little
3.7 Discussion, consideration, and approval of the County Judge recommendation to appoint the Judge Pro Tern. - County Judge Todd Little
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