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1.1 Discussion, consideration, and action on a plat of Front 4. The property contains ±4.132 acres in the L. Ramey Survey, Abstract No. 940, and the R. Wyatt Survey, Abstract No. 1318, located on the south side of Angus Road, ± 4,990 feet east of the intersection of Angus Road and Baucum Ro
1.2 Discussion, consideration, and action on a plat of W.V. Perry Estates Lot 1, Block A, Phase 2. The property contains ± 8.490 acres in the A. Greathouse Survey, Abstract No. 392, located on the north side of Greathouse Road, ± 430 feet east of the intersection of Greathouse Road and Dawson Road, Waxahachie, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 3.
2.1 Discussion, consideration, and approval of Task Order No. 3 for support of the County's efforts in the design, preconstruction, bidding, and initial construction management of the County's upcoming projects with Kitchell in an amount of $154,940.00.
2.2 Discussion, consideration, and approval to award RFP-2022-002 Design and Implementation of Prosecution Management System and Jury Selection Software and negotiation of the contract with CivicEye.
2.3 Discussion, consideration, and approval to engage Berry Dunn for the next phase: Implementation Services for a Prosecution Management System and Jury Selection Software in the amount of $352,768.00.
2.4 Granting an exemption under Local Government Code §262.024(7) (the sole source exemption) from the bidding requirements of Local Government Code §262.023 for the follow-on purchase of proprietary equipment; use of intellectual property and integration services from Motorola Solutions for installation of the ASTRO 25 Geo-Prime sub-system.
2.5 Discussion, consideration, and approval to purchase a Caterpillar 120 motor grader in the amount of $276,115.23 with the trade of a 1989 12G motor grader, Serial No. 61M13233 for Road and Bridge Precinct 1 using the Sourcewell Cooperative Contract No. 032119.
2.6 Discussion, consideration, and approval for the County Judge to sign a 12-month lease with Document Solutions for a second copier at the Waxahachie Civic Center during jury selection.
3.1 Discussion regarding the cancellation of the regularly scheduled Commissioners' Court meeting on February 21, 2023, and calling for a Special Meeting at 10:00 a.m. on February 21, 2023. - Todd Little, County Judg
3.2 Presentation by David Sacha of the Ellis County Historical Commission providing a summary of the Commission's activities as of mid-2022. - Todd Little, County Judge
3.3 Presentation by Community Services, Inc. to update Commissioners on the progress of the organization and a recap of 2022. - Todd Little, County Judge
3.4 Presentation of bond rating information by Jim Sabonis of Hilltop Securities. - Cheryl Chambers, County Treasurer
3.5 Approval to award $8,362.00 to the North Central Texas Council of Governments for the FY23 annual Ellis County local administrative match. - Todd Little, County Judge
3.6 Discussion, consideration, and approval for the use of ARPA funding and follow-on purchase of proprietary equipment; use of intellectual property and integration services from Motorola Solutions for installation of an ASTRO 25 Geo-Prime sub-system for the Countywide Radio System using the approved sole source exemption. This is a geo-redundant prime site and this upgrade would make the system significantly more robust by providing this "back up" or redundant connection to the "core." The cost will not exceed $1,000,000.00. - Brad Norman, Sheriff
3.7 Discussion, consideration, and action to adopt an order, pursuant to Texas Occupations Code §2154.202(h), authorizing the sale of fireworks for Texas Independence Day (March 2nd). - Todd Little, County Judge
3.10 Discussion, consideration, and approval of Contract with Bass Reeves Film Production for use of the Historic Courthouse and certain spaces therein for the purpose of filming. - Todd Little, County Judge
3.8 Discussion, consideration, and approval of potential amendment to the Amended Rules of Procedure, Conduct and Decorum at Meetings of the Ellis County Commissioners' Court (Minute Order 414.19), section V., regarding the method of election of a County Judge Pro-Tern. Potential options include a yearly rotation in precinct numerical order, seniority order or other method as determined by the Court. - Todd Little, County Judge
3.9 Discussion, consideration, and election of a County Judge Pro-Tern using the methodology approved in Item 3.8. - Todd Little, County Judge
Jan 24, 2023 Commissioners Court
Full agenda
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Full agenda
1.1 Discussion, consideration, and action on a plat of Front 4. The property contains ±4.132 acres in the L. Ramey Survey, Abstract No. 940, and the R. Wyatt Survey, Abstract No. 1318, located on the south side of Angus Road, ± 4,990 feet east of the intersection of Angus Road and Baucum Ro
1.2 Discussion, consideration, and action on a plat of W.V. Perry Estates Lot 1, Block A, Phase 2. The property contains ± 8.490 acres in the A. Greathouse Survey, Abstract No. 392, located on the north side of Greathouse Road, ± 430 feet east of the intersection of Greathouse Road and Dawson Road, Waxahachie, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 3.
2.1 Discussion, consideration, and approval of Task Order No. 3 for support of the County's efforts in the design, preconstruction, bidding, and initial construction management of the County's upcoming projects with Kitchell in an amount of $154,940.00.
2.2 Discussion, consideration, and approval to award RFP-2022-002 Design and Implementation of Prosecution Management System and Jury Selection Software and negotiation of the contract with CivicEye.
2.3 Discussion, consideration, and approval to engage Berry Dunn for the next phase: Implementation Services for a Prosecution Management System and Jury Selection Software in the amount of $352,768.00.
2.4 Granting an exemption under Local Government Code §262.024(7) (the sole source exemption) from the bidding requirements of Local Government Code §262.023 for the follow-on purchase of proprietary equipment; use of intellectual property and integration services from Motorola Solutions for installation of the ASTRO 25 Geo-Prime sub-system.
2.5 Discussion, consideration, and approval to purchase a Caterpillar 120 motor grader in the amount of $276,115.23 with the trade of a 1989 12G motor grader, Serial No. 61M13233 for Road and Bridge Precinct 1 using the Sourcewell Cooperative Contract No. 032119.
2.6 Discussion, consideration, and approval for the County Judge to sign a 12-month lease with Document Solutions for a second copier at the Waxahachie Civic Center during jury selection.
3.1 Discussion regarding the cancellation of the regularly scheduled Commissioners' Court meeting on February 21, 2023, and calling for a Special Meeting at 10:00 a.m. on February 21, 2023. - Todd Little, County Judg
3.2 Presentation by David Sacha of the Ellis County Historical Commission providing a summary of the Commission's activities as of mid-2022. - Todd Little, County Judge
3.3 Presentation by Community Services, Inc. to update Commissioners on the progress of the organization and a recap of 2022. - Todd Little, County Judge
3.4 Presentation of bond rating information by Jim Sabonis of Hilltop Securities. - Cheryl Chambers, County Treasurer
3.5 Approval to award $8,362.00 to the North Central Texas Council of Governments for the FY23 annual Ellis County local administrative match. - Todd Little, County Judge
3.6 Discussion, consideration, and approval for the use of ARPA funding and follow-on purchase of proprietary equipment; use of intellectual property and integration services from Motorola Solutions for installation of an ASTRO 25 Geo-Prime sub-system for the Countywide Radio System using the approved sole source exemption. This is a geo-redundant prime site and this upgrade would make the system significantly more robust by providing this "back up" or redundant connection to the "core." The cost will not exceed $1,000,000.00. - Brad Norman, Sheriff
3.7 Discussion, consideration, and action to adopt an order, pursuant to Texas Occupations Code §2154.202(h), authorizing the sale of fireworks for Texas Independence Day (March 2nd). - Todd Little, County Judge
3.10 Discussion, consideration, and approval of Contract with Bass Reeves Film Production for use of the Historic Courthouse and certain spaces therein for the purpose of filming. - Todd Little, County Judge
3.8 Discussion, consideration, and approval of potential amendment to the Amended Rules of Procedure, Conduct and Decorum at Meetings of the Ellis County Commissioners' Court (Minute Order 414.19), section V., regarding the method of election of a County Judge Pro-Tern. Potential options include a yearly rotation in precinct numerical order, seniority order or other method as determined by the Court. - Todd Little, County Judge
3.9 Discussion, consideration, and election of a County Judge Pro-Tern using the methodology approved in Item 3.8. - Todd Little, County Judge
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