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1.1 Discussion, consideration, and action on the final plat of Ferris Recycling, Lots 1 & 2. The ± 3.589-acre site is located ± 1,770 feet from the intersection of S. Central Street & Littledoc Road, situated in the M. Phelps Survey, Abstract No. 824, in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Ferris, Road & Bridge Precinct No. 1.
1.2 Discussion, consideration, and action on the Jose/s Cattle Company Final Plat. The ± 18.441-acre site is located at the southeast corner of FM 308 & FM 66, situated in the E. Jackson Survey, Abstract No. 556, Grandview, Road & Bridge Precinct No. 3.
P.1.Conduct a public hearing to amend the County's Flood Damage Prevention Order, last adopted on June 3rd, 2013, under Minute Order No. 182.13.
1.3 Discussion, consideration, and action to amend the County's Flood Damage Prevention Order, last adopted on June 3, 2013, under Minute Order No. 182.13. These proposed amendments primarily address: (1) adopting new FEMA flood maps to continue the County's participation in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), (2) establishing expiration dates on permits, (3) establishing updated interpretation, permitting, variance & flood study procedures along with other changes in related articles, sections, and paragraphs, and any other related additions, deletions, and changes, providing a conflicts clause, severability clause, and an effective date.
2.1 Discussion, consideration, and approval of Architexas Task Order #1 using the Master Services Agreement (MSA) between Ellis County and Architexas, Inc. (Minute Order # 148.22) for an existing facility assessment report to be utilized to secure grant funding under the Texas Historic Courthouse Preservation Program in an amount of $36,000.00 plus reimbursables.
2.2 Discussion, consideration, and action to award RFB-2023-012 for Armored Car-Courier Services to Garda CL West, Inc. and give Risk Management Armored Security an opportunity to appear before the Commissioner's Court and present previously unconsidered evidence concerning the lower bid as best, which may include evidence of the bidder's responsibility under Local Government Code Sec. 262.027.
2.3 Discussion, consideration, and action to award RFP-2023-010 to Allegiance Mobile Health ambulatory services for a term of four (4) years with three (3) two-year options in an amount of $420,000.00.
2.4 Discussion, consideration, and action to allow the County Judge to sign potential contracts to cover ambulatory services for the interim term before the Final Contract under RFO-2023-010 for ESD 5 up to the dollar amount approved by the Court. (Part 1 of 2)
P.2 Conduct a public hearing on a request for tax abatement from Schneider Electric, LLC.
P.3 Conduct a public hearing on a request for tax abatement from Compass Datacenters, LLC.
3.2 Discussion, consideration, and action on a request for tax abatement from Compass Datacenters, LLC.
3.1 Discussion, consideration, and action on a request for tax abatement from Scheider Electric, LLC.
3.3 Discussion, consideration, and approval for the County Judge to sign the Notice the Constitutional Amendment and Joint Election to be held on November 7th, 2023; for approval of the Election Day Vote Centers. - Elections Administrator Jana Onyon (Part 1 of 2)
3.4 Discussion, consideration, and action to enter a Joint Contract for Election Services between the Ellis County Election Officer and Participating Political Subdivisions by holding an election jointly with the County on November 7th, 2023 pursuant to the authority in Section 271.002, of Chapter 271, of the Texas Election Code. - Elections Administrator Jana Onyon (Part 1 of 2)
3.5 Discussion, consideration, and approval of the appointment of the amended listing of presiding judge and alternate judges for the upcoming November 7th, 2023 election, as submitted by the Democratic and Republican Parties. - Elections Administrator Jana Ony
Items 3.3 and 3.4 (Part 2 of 2)
3.7 Discussion, consideration, and approval of a contract between Ellis County and Meeder Public Funds for investment management services. - County Treasurer Cheryl Chambers
3.8 Discussion, consideration, and approval to add two (2) cash drawers to the Department of Development. - Department of Development Director Alberto Mares
3.9 Discussion, consideration, and approval to nominate Rusty Ballard for the Ellis County Appraisal District Board of Directors. - County Judge Todd Little
2.4 Discussion, consideration, and action to allow the County Judge to sign potential contracts to cover ambulatory services for the interim term before the Final Contract under RFO-2023-010 for ESD 5 up to the dollar amount approved by the Court. (Part 2 of 2)
3.6 Discussion, consideration, and action on right-of-way purchase negotiations for Hampton Road bridge work at Little Creek Bridge. - Precinct 4 Commissioner Kyle Butler
Oct 03, 2023 Commissioners Court
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Full agenda
1.1 Discussion, consideration, and action on the final plat of Ferris Recycling, Lots 1 & 2. The ± 3.589-acre site is located ± 1,770 feet from the intersection of S. Central Street & Littledoc Road, situated in the M. Phelps Survey, Abstract No. 824, in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Ferris, Road & Bridge Precinct No. 1.
1.2 Discussion, consideration, and action on the Jose/s Cattle Company Final Plat. The ± 18.441-acre site is located at the southeast corner of FM 308 & FM 66, situated in the E. Jackson Survey, Abstract No. 556, Grandview, Road & Bridge Precinct No. 3.
P.1.Conduct a public hearing to amend the County's Flood Damage Prevention Order, last adopted on June 3rd, 2013, under Minute Order No. 182.13.
1.3 Discussion, consideration, and action to amend the County's Flood Damage Prevention Order, last adopted on June 3, 2013, under Minute Order No. 182.13. These proposed amendments primarily address: (1) adopting new FEMA flood maps to continue the County's participation in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), (2) establishing expiration dates on permits, (3) establishing updated interpretation, permitting, variance & flood study procedures along with other changes in related articles, sections, and paragraphs, and any other related additions, deletions, and changes, providing a conflicts clause, severability clause, and an effective date.
2.1 Discussion, consideration, and approval of Architexas Task Order #1 using the Master Services Agreement (MSA) between Ellis County and Architexas, Inc. (Minute Order # 148.22) for an existing facility assessment report to be utilized to secure grant funding under the Texas Historic Courthouse Preservation Program in an amount of $36,000.00 plus reimbursables.
2.2 Discussion, consideration, and action to award RFB-2023-012 for Armored Car-Courier Services to Garda CL West, Inc. and give Risk Management Armored Security an opportunity to appear before the Commissioner's Court and present previously unconsidered evidence concerning the lower bid as best, which may include evidence of the bidder's responsibility under Local Government Code Sec. 262.027.
2.3 Discussion, consideration, and action to award RFP-2023-010 to Allegiance Mobile Health ambulatory services for a term of four (4) years with three (3) two-year options in an amount of $420,000.00.
2.4 Discussion, consideration, and action to allow the County Judge to sign potential contracts to cover ambulatory services for the interim term before the Final Contract under RFO-2023-010 for ESD 5 up to the dollar amount approved by the Court. (Part 1 of 2)
P.2 Conduct a public hearing on a request for tax abatement from Schneider Electric, LLC.
P.3 Conduct a public hearing on a request for tax abatement from Compass Datacenters, LLC.
3.2 Discussion, consideration, and action on a request for tax abatement from Compass Datacenters, LLC.
3.1 Discussion, consideration, and action on a request for tax abatement from Scheider Electric, LLC.
3.3 Discussion, consideration, and approval for the County Judge to sign the Notice the Constitutional Amendment and Joint Election to be held on November 7th, 2023; for approval of the Election Day Vote Centers. - Elections Administrator Jana Onyon (Part 1 of 2)
3.4 Discussion, consideration, and action to enter a Joint Contract for Election Services between the Ellis County Election Officer and Participating Political Subdivisions by holding an election jointly with the County on November 7th, 2023 pursuant to the authority in Section 271.002, of Chapter 271, of the Texas Election Code. - Elections Administrator Jana Onyon (Part 1 of 2)
3.5 Discussion, consideration, and approval of the appointment of the amended listing of presiding judge and alternate judges for the upcoming November 7th, 2023 election, as submitted by the Democratic and Republican Parties. - Elections Administrator Jana Ony
Items 3.3 and 3.4 (Part 2 of 2)
3.7 Discussion, consideration, and approval of a contract between Ellis County and Meeder Public Funds for investment management services. - County Treasurer Cheryl Chambers
3.8 Discussion, consideration, and approval to add two (2) cash drawers to the Department of Development. - Department of Development Director Alberto Mares
3.9 Discussion, consideration, and approval to nominate Rusty Ballard for the Ellis County Appraisal District Board of Directors. - County Judge Todd Little
2.4 Discussion, consideration, and action to allow the County Judge to sign potential contracts to cover ambulatory services for the interim term before the Final Contract under RFO-2023-010 for ESD 5 up to the dollar amount approved by the Court. (Part 2 of 2)
3.6 Discussion, consideration, and action on right-of-way purchase negotiations for Hampton Road bridge work at Little Creek Bridge. - Precinct 4 Commissioner Kyle Butler
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