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A.8 Approval of a public official bond in the amount of $10,000.00 for County Judge Todd Little for a period of four-years from January 1st, 2023 to January 1st, 2027 in accordance with Texas Government Code 26.001. - County Judge Todd Little
1.1 Ratify staff action on a plat of Arlene's Addition Lot 1, Block 1. The ± 5.939-acre site is located ± 1,215 feet south of the intersection of FM 1181 and Hwy. 34, situated in the A De La Garza Survey, Abstract No. 2, in the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Ennis, Ferris, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 1.
1.2 Ratify staff action on a plat of Morton Acres. The ± 3.139-acre site is located ± 595 feet east of the intersection of Slate Rock Road and Andrews Road, situated in the R De La Pena Survey, Abstract No. 3, Ennis, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 1.
1.3 Discussion, consideration, and action on a request for a variance for Parcel ID 153766 from Section IV (A) of the Subdivision & Development Regulations & Septic Regulations (Order 182.11) to allow this property to develop without meeting the minimum lot size and depth. The ± 0.3627-acre site is located near the intersection of FM 664 and Ridge Crest Drive, in the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) of the Red Oak, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 1.
1.4 Discussion, consideration, and action on a request for a variance for Parcel ID 178744 from Section IV (A) of the Subdivision & Development Regulations to allow this property to develop without meeting the minimum road frontage requirements. The ± 4.54-acre site is located ± 1,500 west of the intersection of FM 813 & Oates Road, Palmer, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 1.
1.5 Ratify staff action on a plat of Simpkins Addition Lots 1 & 2, Block A. The ± 3.128-acre site is located ± 1,690 feet west of the intersection of Oak Grove Road and Brown Road, situated in the George B McKinstry Survey, Abstract No. 668, Ennis, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 2.
1.6 Discussion, consideration, and action on a request for a variance for Parcel ID 189854 from Section IV (A) of the Subdivision & Development Regulations to allow this property to develop without meeting the minimum road frontage requirements. The ± 12.65-acre site is located ± 410 feet west of the intersection of Tight Wad Road & FM 308, Itasca, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 3.
2.1 Discussion, consideration, and action on the purchase of a Caterpillar Model 930M QC Wheel Loaders & Integrated Tool Carriers in an amount of $248,000.°° for Road & Bridge Precinct 3 using the Sourcewell Cooperative Contract Number 020223, from Holt Cat.
2.2 Discussion, consideration, and action to approve an interlocal agreement between City of Ferris and Ellis County in accordance with the Interlocal Cooperation Act, Chapter 791 of the Texas Government Code.
2.3 Discussion, consideration, and action to renew the following bid for a (1) year renewal period: Bid No. 2020-020 Convenience Store Fuel with Pearman Oil & LP Gas, Inc.
2.4 Discussion, consideration, and action on the purchase of furniture and installation services for the Ellis County Central Building from Tangram Interiors using the Omnia Cooperative Contract Number 2019.001899 for $1,026,537.°2 .
2.5 Discussion, consideration and action on Change Order #5 to the Rogers-O'Brien Contract (Minute Order 255.23) for replacement of inoperable elevator with a new Schindler Elevator at Ellis County Central in an amount of $147,769.°°.
2.6 Discussion, consideration, and action to approve the design service proposal from Entos Design for the Midlothian Tax Office in an amount not to exceed $15,400.°°.
3.1 Presentation, consideration, and action to ratify the Ellis County & District Attorney's Office application for a grant with the Texas Veterans Commission for the continued implementation of a Veteran's Treatment Court Program in Ellis County. - County & District Attorney Ann Montgomery
Items 3.2 - 3.5
3.6 Discussion, consideration, and approval to amend the Bank Depository agreement to include additional language for the FHLB Letter of Credit and approval for the County Judge to sign a new Bank Depository Agreement and Collateral Security Agreement. - Treasurer Cheryl Chambers
3.7 Discussion, consideration, and action for the County Judge to sign a one-year contract with Inovalon, in the amount of $12,000, which will provide insurance verification for Indigent Healthcare and Inmate Medical. - Indigent Health Care Coordinator Jerri Klein
3.8 Discussion, consideration, and action to authorize the necessary posting and public notice for the request for a stop sign on Woodstream Rd. at the intersection of Springwood Ln. and schedule the required public hearing at a future Commissioners Court meeting. - County Engineer Ted Kantor
3.11 Discussion, consideration, and action to approve the County Judge to sign an agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) to purchase 3.005 acres of right-of-way from Ellis County for U.S. Highway 45 in the amount of $23,230.00 . - County Judge Todd Little
F.2 Approval of the 1s t and 2nd quarterly payments of $52,139.°8 each to the North Texas Behavioral Health Authority (NTBHA) for FY24; county match funds to be paid quarterly. The total amount to be paid out for FY24 would be $208,556.33 . - County Judge Todd Little
3.9 Discussion, consideration, and action to refer case work to outside counsel, Bickerstaff, on currently pending Municipal Utility District (MUD) applications, and to authorize associated case expenses. - Commissioner Randy Stinson
3.10 Discussion, consideration, and action to re-appoint the Ellis County Fire Marshal, Tim Birdwell, for a 2- year period beginning December 14, 2023 and ending December 14, 2025. - Fire Marshal Tim Birdwell
3.12 Discussion, consideration, and action to finalize and accept a settlement agreement with American Medical Response. - County Judge Todd Little
3.13 Discussion, consideration, and action regarding services provided by the Wellpath contract and coordination of service benefits as it relates to the proposed interlocal agreement with the North Texas Behavioral Health Authority (NTBHA). - County Judge Todd Little
3.14 Discussion, consideration, and action on the appointment of an employee to serve as the Ellis County Behavioral Health Director, and relevant duties. - County Judge Todd Little
Dec 12, 2023 Commissioners Court
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Full agenda
A.8 Approval of a public official bond in the amount of $10,000.00 for County Judge Todd Little for a period of four-years from January 1st, 2023 to January 1st, 2027 in accordance with Texas Government Code 26.001. - County Judge Todd Little
1.1 Ratify staff action on a plat of Arlene's Addition Lot 1, Block 1. The ± 5.939-acre site is located ± 1,215 feet south of the intersection of FM 1181 and Hwy. 34, situated in the A De La Garza Survey, Abstract No. 2, in the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Ennis, Ferris, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 1.
1.2 Ratify staff action on a plat of Morton Acres. The ± 3.139-acre site is located ± 595 feet east of the intersection of Slate Rock Road and Andrews Road, situated in the R De La Pena Survey, Abstract No. 3, Ennis, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 1.
1.3 Discussion, consideration, and action on a request for a variance for Parcel ID 153766 from Section IV (A) of the Subdivision & Development Regulations & Septic Regulations (Order 182.11) to allow this property to develop without meeting the minimum lot size and depth. The ± 0.3627-acre site is located near the intersection of FM 664 and Ridge Crest Drive, in the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) of the Red Oak, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 1.
1.4 Discussion, consideration, and action on a request for a variance for Parcel ID 178744 from Section IV (A) of the Subdivision & Development Regulations to allow this property to develop without meeting the minimum road frontage requirements. The ± 4.54-acre site is located ± 1,500 west of the intersection of FM 813 & Oates Road, Palmer, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 1.
1.5 Ratify staff action on a plat of Simpkins Addition Lots 1 & 2, Block A. The ± 3.128-acre site is located ± 1,690 feet west of the intersection of Oak Grove Road and Brown Road, situated in the George B McKinstry Survey, Abstract No. 668, Ennis, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 2.
1.6 Discussion, consideration, and action on a request for a variance for Parcel ID 189854 from Section IV (A) of the Subdivision & Development Regulations to allow this property to develop without meeting the minimum road frontage requirements. The ± 12.65-acre site is located ± 410 feet west of the intersection of Tight Wad Road & FM 308, Itasca, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 3.
2.1 Discussion, consideration, and action on the purchase of a Caterpillar Model 930M QC Wheel Loaders & Integrated Tool Carriers in an amount of $248,000.°° for Road & Bridge Precinct 3 using the Sourcewell Cooperative Contract Number 020223, from Holt Cat.
2.2 Discussion, consideration, and action to approve an interlocal agreement between City of Ferris and Ellis County in accordance with the Interlocal Cooperation Act, Chapter 791 of the Texas Government Code.
2.3 Discussion, consideration, and action to renew the following bid for a (1) year renewal period: Bid No. 2020-020 Convenience Store Fuel with Pearman Oil & LP Gas, Inc.
2.4 Discussion, consideration, and action on the purchase of furniture and installation services for the Ellis County Central Building from Tangram Interiors using the Omnia Cooperative Contract Number 2019.001899 for $1,026,537.°2 .
2.5 Discussion, consideration and action on Change Order #5 to the Rogers-O'Brien Contract (Minute Order 255.23) for replacement of inoperable elevator with a new Schindler Elevator at Ellis County Central in an amount of $147,769.°°.
2.6 Discussion, consideration, and action to approve the design service proposal from Entos Design for the Midlothian Tax Office in an amount not to exceed $15,400.°°.
3.1 Presentation, consideration, and action to ratify the Ellis County & District Attorney's Office application for a grant with the Texas Veterans Commission for the continued implementation of a Veteran's Treatment Court Program in Ellis County. - County & District Attorney Ann Montgomery
Items 3.2 - 3.5
3.6 Discussion, consideration, and approval to amend the Bank Depository agreement to include additional language for the FHLB Letter of Credit and approval for the County Judge to sign a new Bank Depository Agreement and Collateral Security Agreement. - Treasurer Cheryl Chambers
3.7 Discussion, consideration, and action for the County Judge to sign a one-year contract with Inovalon, in the amount of $12,000, which will provide insurance verification for Indigent Healthcare and Inmate Medical. - Indigent Health Care Coordinator Jerri Klein
3.8 Discussion, consideration, and action to authorize the necessary posting and public notice for the request for a stop sign on Woodstream Rd. at the intersection of Springwood Ln. and schedule the required public hearing at a future Commissioners Court meeting. - County Engineer Ted Kantor
3.11 Discussion, consideration, and action to approve the County Judge to sign an agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) to purchase 3.005 acres of right-of-way from Ellis County for U.S. Highway 45 in the amount of $23,230.00 . - County Judge Todd Little
F.2 Approval of the 1s t and 2nd quarterly payments of $52,139.°8 each to the North Texas Behavioral Health Authority (NTBHA) for FY24; county match funds to be paid quarterly. The total amount to be paid out for FY24 would be $208,556.33 . - County Judge Todd Little
3.9 Discussion, consideration, and action to refer case work to outside counsel, Bickerstaff, on currently pending Municipal Utility District (MUD) applications, and to authorize associated case expenses. - Commissioner Randy Stinson
3.10 Discussion, consideration, and action to re-appoint the Ellis County Fire Marshal, Tim Birdwell, for a 2- year period beginning December 14, 2023 and ending December 14, 2025. - Fire Marshal Tim Birdwell
3.12 Discussion, consideration, and action to finalize and accept a settlement agreement with American Medical Response. - County Judge Todd Little
3.13 Discussion, consideration, and action regarding services provided by the Wellpath contract and coordination of service benefits as it relates to the proposed interlocal agreement with the North Texas Behavioral Health Authority (NTBHA). - County Judge Todd Little
3.14 Discussion, consideration, and action on the appointment of an employee to serve as the Ellis County Behavioral Health Director, and relevant duties. - County Judge Todd Little
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