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1.1 Discussion, consideration, and action to ratify staff action on a preliminary plat of Davinci Estates. The ± 106.352-acre site is located ± 4,500 feet east of the intersection of Broadhead Road and Youngblood Road, situated in the BBB & RR Co. Survey, Abstract No. 175 and the I. Glaze Survey, Abstract No. 397, Waxahachie, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 1.
1.2 Discussion, consideration, and action to ratify staff action on a plat of Prado Solis Addition. The ± 8.66-acre site is located ± 500 feet northwest of the intersection of Hurst Circle and FM 660, situated in the R. de la Pena Survey, Abstract No. 3, Ferris, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 1.
1.3 Discussion, consideration, and action to ratify staff action on a plat of Cuevas Estates. The ± 4.526-acre site is located ± 1,040 feet southeast of the intersection of Hughes Cemetery Road and FM 55, situated in the Ellis County School Land Survey Abstract No. 329, Avalon, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 2.
1.4 Discussion, consideration, and action to ratify staff action on a plat of Vidales Estates. The ± 5.022-acre site is located ± 1,640 feet northeast of the intersection of the northbound IH-45 service road and Fallen Road, situated in the Granville Kirk Survey, Abstract No. 605, in the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Ennis, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 2.
1.5 Discussion, consideration, and action to ratify staff action on a plat of JGC Ranch. The ± 5.230-acre site is located ± 1,250 feet southwest of the intersection of Judys Lane and Morgan Road, situated in the M. Wilkins Survey, Abstract No. 1142, in the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Italy, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 3
1.6 Discussion, consideration, and action to ratify staff action on a plat of Axl Blair Rd Estates. The ± 3.207-acre site is located ± 2,060 feet southeast of the intersection of Blair Road and Edna Road, situated in the Ellis County School Land Survey, Abstract No. 328, Waxahachie, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 3.
2.1 Discussion, consideration, and action on Task Order No. 6 to support the county's efforts in the design, preconstruction, bidding, negotiations support, and construction management of the county's ongoing and upcoming projects with Kitchell in the amount of $334,200.°°.
2.2 Discussion, consideration, and action on PCO #038 to the Rogers O'Brien contract (Minute Order 255.23) for additional cost of general conditions to August 31st, 2024, the estimated date of substantial completion at Ellis County Central, in an amount of $165,000.°°.
2.3 Discussion, consideration, and action to purchase 28 Peplink BRI Pro 5G routers with cases and backup batteries from DiscountCell, LLC for the Elections Department using the Texas DIR Cooperative Contract Number CPO-4905 in the amount of $63,000.°°.
2.4 Discussion, consideration, and action to purchase a 2023 Mack MD7 with an asphaltic patcher from Vanguard Truck Centers (an East Texas Mack Reseller) using TIPS Contract #230802 in an amount of $285,618.°° for Commissioner, Precinct 2.
2.5 Discussion, consideration, and approval to purchase a 2025 Mack PI64 from Bruckner's Truck Equipment using Choice Partners Contract #24-019TC-01 in the amount of $147,931.00 for Commissioner, Precinct 2.
2.6 Discussion, consideration, and action to purchase a 2024 John Deere 320P from RDO Equipment (a John Deere-authorized dealer) using Sourcewell Contract #011723-JDC in an amount of $143,161.63 for Commissioner, Precinct 4.
2.7 Discussion, consideration, and action on HOK Task Order #6 using the Master Services Agreement (MSA) between Ellis County and HOK, Inc. (Minute Order 147.22) for architectural services on the Courts & Administration building renovation project, Phase 1, in an amount of $360,500.°° plus estimated reimbursable expenses in the amount of $5,298.56.
2.8 Discussion, consideration, and action on the purchase a Liebert Uninterpretable Power Supply and installation services from Solid IT Networks for the Courts & Administration Data Center in the amount of $178,630.91 using the Texas Department of Information Resources Cooperative Contract Number DIR-TSO-4296.
2.9 Discussion, consideration, and action for the County Judge to sign an agreement with TJD Consulting for grant writing services in the amount not to exceed $30,000.00 for FY2024 and with an optional annual renewal not to exceed $120,000.°° per year.
3.1 Presentation on the status of the new Midlothian Tax Office. - Tax Assessor/Collector Richard Rozier
3.2 Discussion, consideration, and approval to order an election to be held on November 5th, 2024 to confirm the creation of Ellis County Emergency Services District No. 10 and authorizing the imposition of a tax not to exceed the rate allowed by section 48-e, Article III, of the Texas Constitution. - Elections Administrator Jana Onyon
Items 3.3 - 3.5
3.6 Presentation of the consolidated budget hearing report for Fiscal Year 2025. - Ryan Garrett, Chief of Staff for the County Judge
2.10 Discussion, consideration, and action to grant an exemption under Section 262.024 (a) (7) of the Local Government Code from the bidding requirements under Section 262.023 of the Local Government Code for the purchase of professional legal services.
2.11 Discussion, consideration, and action to engage Littler Mendelson P.C. for professional legal services regarding employment matters using the exemption granted in Item 2.10.
Jun 11, 2024 Commissioners Court
Full agenda
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Full agenda
1.1 Discussion, consideration, and action to ratify staff action on a preliminary plat of Davinci Estates. The ± 106.352-acre site is located ± 4,500 feet east of the intersection of Broadhead Road and Youngblood Road, situated in the BBB & RR Co. Survey, Abstract No. 175 and the I. Glaze Survey, Abstract No. 397, Waxahachie, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 1.
1.2 Discussion, consideration, and action to ratify staff action on a plat of Prado Solis Addition. The ± 8.66-acre site is located ± 500 feet northwest of the intersection of Hurst Circle and FM 660, situated in the R. de la Pena Survey, Abstract No. 3, Ferris, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 1.
1.3 Discussion, consideration, and action to ratify staff action on a plat of Cuevas Estates. The ± 4.526-acre site is located ± 1,040 feet southeast of the intersection of Hughes Cemetery Road and FM 55, situated in the Ellis County School Land Survey Abstract No. 329, Avalon, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 2.
1.4 Discussion, consideration, and action to ratify staff action on a plat of Vidales Estates. The ± 5.022-acre site is located ± 1,640 feet northeast of the intersection of the northbound IH-45 service road and Fallen Road, situated in the Granville Kirk Survey, Abstract No. 605, in the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Ennis, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 2.
1.5 Discussion, consideration, and action to ratify staff action on a plat of JGC Ranch. The ± 5.230-acre site is located ± 1,250 feet southwest of the intersection of Judys Lane and Morgan Road, situated in the M. Wilkins Survey, Abstract No. 1142, in the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Italy, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 3
1.6 Discussion, consideration, and action to ratify staff action on a plat of Axl Blair Rd Estates. The ± 3.207-acre site is located ± 2,060 feet southeast of the intersection of Blair Road and Edna Road, situated in the Ellis County School Land Survey, Abstract No. 328, Waxahachie, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 3.
2.1 Discussion, consideration, and action on Task Order No. 6 to support the county's efforts in the design, preconstruction, bidding, negotiations support, and construction management of the county's ongoing and upcoming projects with Kitchell in the amount of $334,200.°°.
2.2 Discussion, consideration, and action on PCO #038 to the Rogers O'Brien contract (Minute Order 255.23) for additional cost of general conditions to August 31st, 2024, the estimated date of substantial completion at Ellis County Central, in an amount of $165,000.°°.
2.3 Discussion, consideration, and action to purchase 28 Peplink BRI Pro 5G routers with cases and backup batteries from DiscountCell, LLC for the Elections Department using the Texas DIR Cooperative Contract Number CPO-4905 in the amount of $63,000.°°.
2.4 Discussion, consideration, and action to purchase a 2023 Mack MD7 with an asphaltic patcher from Vanguard Truck Centers (an East Texas Mack Reseller) using TIPS Contract #230802 in an amount of $285,618.°° for Commissioner, Precinct 2.
2.5 Discussion, consideration, and approval to purchase a 2025 Mack PI64 from Bruckner's Truck Equipment using Choice Partners Contract #24-019TC-01 in the amount of $147,931.00 for Commissioner, Precinct 2.
2.6 Discussion, consideration, and action to purchase a 2024 John Deere 320P from RDO Equipment (a John Deere-authorized dealer) using Sourcewell Contract #011723-JDC in an amount of $143,161.63 for Commissioner, Precinct 4.
2.7 Discussion, consideration, and action on HOK Task Order #6 using the Master Services Agreement (MSA) between Ellis County and HOK, Inc. (Minute Order 147.22) for architectural services on the Courts & Administration building renovation project, Phase 1, in an amount of $360,500.°° plus estimated reimbursable expenses in the amount of $5,298.56.
2.8 Discussion, consideration, and action on the purchase a Liebert Uninterpretable Power Supply and installation services from Solid IT Networks for the Courts & Administration Data Center in the amount of $178,630.91 using the Texas Department of Information Resources Cooperative Contract Number DIR-TSO-4296.
2.9 Discussion, consideration, and action for the County Judge to sign an agreement with TJD Consulting for grant writing services in the amount not to exceed $30,000.00 for FY2024 and with an optional annual renewal not to exceed $120,000.°° per year.
3.1 Presentation on the status of the new Midlothian Tax Office. - Tax Assessor/Collector Richard Rozier
3.2 Discussion, consideration, and approval to order an election to be held on November 5th, 2024 to confirm the creation of Ellis County Emergency Services District No. 10 and authorizing the imposition of a tax not to exceed the rate allowed by section 48-e, Article III, of the Texas Constitution. - Elections Administrator Jana Onyon
Items 3.3 - 3.5
3.6 Presentation of the consolidated budget hearing report for Fiscal Year 2025. - Ryan Garrett, Chief of Staff for the County Judge
2.10 Discussion, consideration, and action to grant an exemption under Section 262.024 (a) (7) of the Local Government Code from the bidding requirements under Section 262.023 of the Local Government Code for the purchase of professional legal services.
2.11 Discussion, consideration, and action to engage Littler Mendelson P.C. for professional legal services regarding employment matters using the exemption granted in Item 2.10.
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