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1.1 Discussion, consideration, and action on a request for a variance for Parcel ID 183035 from Section IV (B) of the Subdivision & Development Regulations to allow this property to develop with an existing structure encroaching into the proposed front building line setback and front drainage and utility easement. The property contains ± 0.86 acres of land located at the northeast intersection of Hemphill Street and East Main Street, Avalon, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 2.
1.2 Discussion, consideration, and action on a variance request to Volume I, Section IV (A) of the Subdivision & Development Standards regarding the minimum public road frontage requirements for Parcel ID 181719. This ± 5.811-acre site is located ± 3,450 feet southwest of the intersection of East State Highway 34 and FM 660, located in the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Ennis, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 2.
1.3 Discussion, consideration, and action on a plat of Cynthia's Addition, Lot 1, Block A, being a replat of Old Town India, Lots 9-17,19 & 22. The ± 1.174-acre site is located ± 195 feet south of the intersection of FM 780 and India Road, Ferris, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 1.
1.4 Discussion, consideration, and action to ratify staff action on a plat of Autwell Estates, Lot 1. The ± 6.002-acre site is located northeast of the intersection of Jackson Road and Smith Road, situated in part of the H. Hilburn Survey Abstract No. 475 and the M. Cheek Survey Abstract No. 219, Maypearl, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 3.
1.5 Discussion, consideration, and action to ratify staff action on a plat of Nichols Estate Subdivision. The ±2.532-acre site is located ± 365 feet northeast of the intersection of FM 308 and Thunder Road, situated in John C Logan Survey, Abstract 649, Milford, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 3.
1.6 Discussion, consideration, and action to ratify staff action on a plat of Gigi's Castle. The ± 8.407-acre site is located ± 1,200 feet east of the intersection of Smith Road and Wiggins Road, situated in M. Cheek Survey, Abstract No. 219, Maypearl, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 4.
2.1 Discussion, consideration, and action on the purchase of a 36-inch mulcher head from Tiger Corporation using BuyBoard Contract No. 706-23 in an amount of $30,447.63 for Road & Bridge Precinct 1.
2.2 Discussion, consideration, and action to approve an interlocal agreement between Johnson County and Ellis County in accordance with the Interlocal Cooperation Act, Chapter 791 of the Texas Government Code.
2.3 Discussion, consideration, and action for the County Judge to execute a contract with SPG Vending Solutions, LLC for full-service vending machine services awarded July 9th, 2024 (Minute Order #347.24).
2.4 Discussion, consideration, and action on the purchase of a 2023 GRADALL XL 3100 V 4 x 2 Excavator from Kirby Smith Machinery, Inc, using BuyBoard Contract 685-22 in an amount of $508,770.°° Commissioner, Pet. 3
3.1 Discussion, consideration, and approval for the County Judge to sign the Notice of Election for the General and Special Elections to be held on November 5th, 2024; for approval of the Election Day Vote Centers. - Elections Administrator Jana Onyon
3.2 Discussion, consideration, and approval for the County Judge to sign the Notice of Election for the Ellis County Emergency Services District No. 10 election to be held on November 5th, 2024. - Elections Administrator Jana Onyon
3.3 Discussion, consideration, and approval for the County Judge to sign the Notice of Election for the Ellis County Emergency Services District No. 11 election to be held on November 5th, 2024. - Elections Administrator Jana Onyon
3.4 Discussion, consideration, and action for the County Judge to sign the Joint Contract for Election Services between the Ellis County Election Officer and Participating Political Subdivisions by holding an election jointly with the County on November 5th, 2024 pursuant to the authority in Section 271.002, of Chapter 271, of the Texas Election Code. - Elections Administrator Jana Onyon
3.5 Discussion, consideration, and approval for the County Judge to send a letter of support to the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) for the Ennis Avenue Grade Separation Project to apply for the 2024 Railroad Crossing Elimination Program Grant. - County Judge Todd Little
3.6 Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding the ongoing 90-day burn ban in Ellis County. - Fire Marshal Tim Birdwell
3.7 Update on the Fiscal Year 2025 budget. - County Judge Todd Little and Chief of Staff Ryan Garrett
Sep 03, 2024 Commissioners Court
Full agenda
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1.1 Discussion, consideration, and action on a request for a variance for Parcel ID 183035 from Section IV (B) of the Subdivision & Development Regulations to allow this property to develop with an existing structure encroaching into the proposed front building line setback and front drainage and utility easement. The property contains ± 0.86 acres of land located at the northeast intersection of Hemphill Street and East Main Street, Avalon, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 2.
1.2 Discussion, consideration, and action on a variance request to Volume I, Section IV (A) of the Subdivision & Development Standards regarding the minimum public road frontage requirements for Parcel ID 181719. This ± 5.811-acre site is located ± 3,450 feet southwest of the intersection of East State Highway 34 and FM 660, located in the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Ennis, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 2.
1.3 Discussion, consideration, and action on a plat of Cynthia's Addition, Lot 1, Block A, being a replat of Old Town India, Lots 9-17,19 & 22. The ± 1.174-acre site is located ± 195 feet south of the intersection of FM 780 and India Road, Ferris, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 1.
1.4 Discussion, consideration, and action to ratify staff action on a plat of Autwell Estates, Lot 1. The ± 6.002-acre site is located northeast of the intersection of Jackson Road and Smith Road, situated in part of the H. Hilburn Survey Abstract No. 475 and the M. Cheek Survey Abstract No. 219, Maypearl, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 3.
1.5 Discussion, consideration, and action to ratify staff action on a plat of Nichols Estate Subdivision. The ±2.532-acre site is located ± 365 feet northeast of the intersection of FM 308 and Thunder Road, situated in John C Logan Survey, Abstract 649, Milford, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 3.
1.6 Discussion, consideration, and action to ratify staff action on a plat of Gigi's Castle. The ± 8.407-acre site is located ± 1,200 feet east of the intersection of Smith Road and Wiggins Road, situated in M. Cheek Survey, Abstract No. 219, Maypearl, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 4.
2.1 Discussion, consideration, and action on the purchase of a 36-inch mulcher head from Tiger Corporation using BuyBoard Contract No. 706-23 in an amount of $30,447.63 for Road & Bridge Precinct 1.
2.2 Discussion, consideration, and action to approve an interlocal agreement between Johnson County and Ellis County in accordance with the Interlocal Cooperation Act, Chapter 791 of the Texas Government Code.
2.3 Discussion, consideration, and action for the County Judge to execute a contract with SPG Vending Solutions, LLC for full-service vending machine services awarded July 9th, 2024 (Minute Order #347.24).
2.4 Discussion, consideration, and action on the purchase of a 2023 GRADALL XL 3100 V 4 x 2 Excavator from Kirby Smith Machinery, Inc, using BuyBoard Contract 685-22 in an amount of $508,770.°° Commissioner, Pet. 3
3.1 Discussion, consideration, and approval for the County Judge to sign the Notice of Election for the General and Special Elections to be held on November 5th, 2024; for approval of the Election Day Vote Centers. - Elections Administrator Jana Onyon
3.2 Discussion, consideration, and approval for the County Judge to sign the Notice of Election for the Ellis County Emergency Services District No. 10 election to be held on November 5th, 2024. - Elections Administrator Jana Onyon
3.3 Discussion, consideration, and approval for the County Judge to sign the Notice of Election for the Ellis County Emergency Services District No. 11 election to be held on November 5th, 2024. - Elections Administrator Jana Onyon
3.4 Discussion, consideration, and action for the County Judge to sign the Joint Contract for Election Services between the Ellis County Election Officer and Participating Political Subdivisions by holding an election jointly with the County on November 5th, 2024 pursuant to the authority in Section 271.002, of Chapter 271, of the Texas Election Code. - Elections Administrator Jana Onyon
3.5 Discussion, consideration, and approval for the County Judge to send a letter of support to the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) for the Ennis Avenue Grade Separation Project to apply for the 2024 Railroad Crossing Elimination Program Grant. - County Judge Todd Little
3.6 Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding the ongoing 90-day burn ban in Ellis County. - Fire Marshal Tim Birdwell
3.7 Update on the Fiscal Year 2025 budget. - County Judge Todd Little and Chief of Staff Ryan Garrett
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