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1.1 Discussion, consideration, and action on a variance request to Volume |, Section IV (A) of the Subdivision & Development Standards regarding the minimum public road frontage requirements for Parcel !D 192739. The + 1.97-acre site is located at the intersection of Pratt Road and Link Street, located in the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Red Oak, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 1.
1.2 Discussion, consideration, and action on a variance request to Volume I, Section IV (A) of the Subdivision & Development Standards regarding the minimum lot size requirements and Septic Regulations (Order No. 134.24) for Parcel ID 177590. This + 1.086-acre site is located + 4,546 feet southeast of the intersection of FM 1181 and Hooper Cemetery Road, Ennis, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 2.
1.3 Discussion, consideration, and action on a variance request to Volume I, Section IV (A) of the Subdivision & Development Standards regarding the minimum public road frontage requirements for Parcel ID 258986. This + 2.85-acre site is located + 240 feet east of the intersection of Shiloh Road and Falcon Way, located in the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Midlothian, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 4. (Part 1 of 2)
1.4 Discussion, consideration, and action on a variance request to Volume I, Section IV (A) Lots & Structures (iii) & Volume HII, Section II (Table tl-A) of the Engineering & Construction Standards for Parcel ID No. 155168 — 4758 Griffing Avenue. The property contains + 0.231 acres of land located + 923 feet north of the intersection of Griffing Avenue and Tayman Drive, in the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Midlothian, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 4. (Part 1 of 2)
1.5 Discussion, consideration, and action on a variance request to Volume |, Section IV (A) of the Subdivision & Development Standards regarding the minimum lot size requirements and Septic Regulations (Order No. 134.24) for Parcel 1D 189873. The property contains +0.76 acres of land located + 1,320 feet north of the intersection of Saralvo Road and E FM 875, in the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Waxahachie, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 4.
1.6 Discussion, consideration, and action on a variance request to Volume I, Section IV (A) of the Subdivision & Development Standards regarding the minimum public road frontage requirements for Parcel ID 207270. This + 5.074-acre site is located + 1,198 feet east of the intersection of Seneca Drive and Tocca Drive, located in the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) of the Red Oak, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 4.
1.7 Discussion, consideration, and action on a plat of Armando Addition. The property contains + 4.858 acres of land, located + 3,000 feet northwest of the intersection of South Central Street and Little Doc Road, located in the extra territorial jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Ferris, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 1.
1.8 Discussion, consideration, and action on a plat of Enchanted Grove, Block A, Lots 1 & 2, being a replat of Carlton Estates, Phase Ii, Lot 28 & 29. The property contains + 13.324 acres of land and located + 440 feet northwest of the intersection of Maree Court and Maree Drive, Waxahachie, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 1.
1.9 Discussion, consideration, and action on a plat of Allen Family Estates Tract 2R-A & 2R-B, being a replat of Allen Family Estates Lot 2, Block 1. The property contains + 5.652 acres of land, located near the southwest intersection of Mulkey Road and Patrick Road, and located in the extra territorial jurisdiction (ETJ) of Waxahachie, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 4.
2.1 Discussion, consideration, and action to declare the listed items from the Tax Office, Department of Development, and Engineering as surplus to be disposed in accordance with the Local Government Code 263 (see supporting documentation).
2.2 Discussion, consideration, and action to purchase a John Deere 5100E Cab Tractor and John Deere FC1SM Flex Wing from United Ag & Turf, using Sourcewell Contract #082923-DAC (PG BA CG 76) in the amount of $92,804.°° for Road & Bridge Precinct 4.
2.3 Discussion, consideration, and action to advertise and solicit a request for bids for the sale of scrap metal and vehicles.
2.4 Discussion, consideration, and action to purchase furniture and installation services for the Justice of the Peace, Precinct 2 facility from Oak Cliff Office Products using the TIPS Cooperative Contract Number 200301 and Omnia Partners Cooperative Contract Number R191804. The total furniture and installation cost will be $267,708.®°.
2.5 Discussion, consideration, and action to purchase 103 Taser 10 models for the Ellis County Sheriff's Office from Axon Enterprise, Inc., in an amount of $431,717. using the BuyBoard Cooperative Contract No. 698-23. The quote is based on a 5-year period with the first payment of $82,096.77 due in March of 2025 and then four annual payments of $87,405.33 due each March until 2029. Tasers have been budgeted for $88,000. each year.
2.6 Discussion, consideration, and approval for the County Judge to execute an order form with Thomson Reuters for West Proflex products for Law Library Patron Access for a term of five years in a total amount of $117,434.*.
3.1 Discussion, consideration, and action to accept the terms and conditions of the letter of intent (LO!) for a proposed Texas Juvenile Justice Department Corrections Facility ground lease. — County Judge Todd Little (Part 1 of 2)
3.2 Discussion, consideration, and approval of a resolution authorizing approval of proposed Texas statewide opioid settlement agreement with The Kroger Co. in the amount of $23,752.“. — County Judge Todd Little
3.3 Discussion, consideration, and action to amend Minute Order 226.21 to increase the not-to-exceed amount by $946.°° using ARPA funds for the engagement of Carrington, Coleman, Sloman & Blumenthal, LLP in the administration of American Rescue Plan funds. — Ryan Garrett, Chief of Staff for County Judge Todd Little
3.4 Discussion, consideration, and action to set a place, date, and time for a hearing to consider the petition to establish Emergency Services District #12. —- County Clerk Krystal Valdez
1.3 Discussion, consideration, and action on a variance request to Volume I, Section IV (A) of the Subdivision & Development Standards regarding the minimum public road frontage requirements for Parcel ID 258986. This + 2.85-acre site is located + 240 feet east of the intersection of Shiloh Road and Falcon Way, located in the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Midlothian, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 4. (Part 2 of 2)
1.4 Discussion, consideration, and action on a variance request to Volume I, Section IV (A) Lots & Structures (iii) & Volume HII, Section II (Table tl-A) of the Engineering & Construction Standards for Parcel ID No. 155168 — 4758 Griffing Avenue. The property contains + 0.231 acres of land located + 923 feet north of the intersection of Griffing Avenue and Tayman Drive, in the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Midlothian, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 4. (Part 2 of 2)
3.1 Discussion, consideration, and action to accept the terms and conditions of the letter of intent (LO!) for a proposed Texas Juvenile Justice Department Corrections Facility ground lease. — County Judge Todd Little (Part 2 of 2)
3.5 Discussion, consideration, and action to approve an Interlocal Agreement with North Texas Behavioral Health Authority (NTBHA) for Inmate Behavioral Health Services, including approval for the County Judge to execute the agreement upon final legal review. — Behavioral Health Director Caitlin Wilkinson
Dec 10, 2024 Commissioners Court
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1.1 Discussion, consideration, and action on a variance request to Volume |, Section IV (A) of the Subdivision & Development Standards regarding the minimum public road frontage requirements for Parcel !D 192739. The + 1.97-acre site is located at the intersection of Pratt Road and Link Street, located in the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Red Oak, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 1.
1.2 Discussion, consideration, and action on a variance request to Volume I, Section IV (A) of the Subdivision & Development Standards regarding the minimum lot size requirements and Septic Regulations (Order No. 134.24) for Parcel ID 177590. This + 1.086-acre site is located + 4,546 feet southeast of the intersection of FM 1181 and Hooper Cemetery Road, Ennis, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 2.
1.3 Discussion, consideration, and action on a variance request to Volume I, Section IV (A) of the Subdivision & Development Standards regarding the minimum public road frontage requirements for Parcel ID 258986. This + 2.85-acre site is located + 240 feet east of the intersection of Shiloh Road and Falcon Way, located in the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Midlothian, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 4. (Part 1 of 2)
1.4 Discussion, consideration, and action on a variance request to Volume I, Section IV (A) Lots & Structures (iii) & Volume HII, Section II (Table tl-A) of the Engineering & Construction Standards for Parcel ID No. 155168 — 4758 Griffing Avenue. The property contains + 0.231 acres of land located + 923 feet north of the intersection of Griffing Avenue and Tayman Drive, in the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Midlothian, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 4. (Part 1 of 2)
1.5 Discussion, consideration, and action on a variance request to Volume |, Section IV (A) of the Subdivision & Development Standards regarding the minimum lot size requirements and Septic Regulations (Order No. 134.24) for Parcel 1D 189873. The property contains +0.76 acres of land located + 1,320 feet north of the intersection of Saralvo Road and E FM 875, in the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Waxahachie, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 4.
1.6 Discussion, consideration, and action on a variance request to Volume I, Section IV (A) of the Subdivision & Development Standards regarding the minimum public road frontage requirements for Parcel ID 207270. This + 5.074-acre site is located + 1,198 feet east of the intersection of Seneca Drive and Tocca Drive, located in the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) of the Red Oak, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 4.
1.7 Discussion, consideration, and action on a plat of Armando Addition. The property contains + 4.858 acres of land, located + 3,000 feet northwest of the intersection of South Central Street and Little Doc Road, located in the extra territorial jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Ferris, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 1.
1.8 Discussion, consideration, and action on a plat of Enchanted Grove, Block A, Lots 1 & 2, being a replat of Carlton Estates, Phase Ii, Lot 28 & 29. The property contains + 13.324 acres of land and located + 440 feet northwest of the intersection of Maree Court and Maree Drive, Waxahachie, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 1.
1.9 Discussion, consideration, and action on a plat of Allen Family Estates Tract 2R-A & 2R-B, being a replat of Allen Family Estates Lot 2, Block 1. The property contains + 5.652 acres of land, located near the southwest intersection of Mulkey Road and Patrick Road, and located in the extra territorial jurisdiction (ETJ) of Waxahachie, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 4.
2.1 Discussion, consideration, and action to declare the listed items from the Tax Office, Department of Development, and Engineering as surplus to be disposed in accordance with the Local Government Code 263 (see supporting documentation).
2.2 Discussion, consideration, and action to purchase a John Deere 5100E Cab Tractor and John Deere FC1SM Flex Wing from United Ag & Turf, using Sourcewell Contract #082923-DAC (PG BA CG 76) in the amount of $92,804.°° for Road & Bridge Precinct 4.
2.3 Discussion, consideration, and action to advertise and solicit a request for bids for the sale of scrap metal and vehicles.
2.4 Discussion, consideration, and action to purchase furniture and installation services for the Justice of the Peace, Precinct 2 facility from Oak Cliff Office Products using the TIPS Cooperative Contract Number 200301 and Omnia Partners Cooperative Contract Number R191804. The total furniture and installation cost will be $267,708.®°.
2.5 Discussion, consideration, and action to purchase 103 Taser 10 models for the Ellis County Sheriff's Office from Axon Enterprise, Inc., in an amount of $431,717. using the BuyBoard Cooperative Contract No. 698-23. The quote is based on a 5-year period with the first payment of $82,096.77 due in March of 2025 and then four annual payments of $87,405.33 due each March until 2029. Tasers have been budgeted for $88,000. each year.
2.6 Discussion, consideration, and approval for the County Judge to execute an order form with Thomson Reuters for West Proflex products for Law Library Patron Access for a term of five years in a total amount of $117,434.*.
3.1 Discussion, consideration, and action to accept the terms and conditions of the letter of intent (LO!) for a proposed Texas Juvenile Justice Department Corrections Facility ground lease. — County Judge Todd Little (Part 1 of 2)
3.2 Discussion, consideration, and approval of a resolution authorizing approval of proposed Texas statewide opioid settlement agreement with The Kroger Co. in the amount of $23,752.“. — County Judge Todd Little
3.3 Discussion, consideration, and action to amend Minute Order 226.21 to increase the not-to-exceed amount by $946.°° using ARPA funds for the engagement of Carrington, Coleman, Sloman & Blumenthal, LLP in the administration of American Rescue Plan funds. — Ryan Garrett, Chief of Staff for County Judge Todd Little
3.4 Discussion, consideration, and action to set a place, date, and time for a hearing to consider the petition to establish Emergency Services District #12. —- County Clerk Krystal Valdez
1.3 Discussion, consideration, and action on a variance request to Volume I, Section IV (A) of the Subdivision & Development Standards regarding the minimum public road frontage requirements for Parcel ID 258986. This + 2.85-acre site is located + 240 feet east of the intersection of Shiloh Road and Falcon Way, located in the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Midlothian, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 4. (Part 2 of 2)
1.4 Discussion, consideration, and action on a variance request to Volume I, Section IV (A) Lots & Structures (iii) & Volume HII, Section II (Table tl-A) of the Engineering & Construction Standards for Parcel ID No. 155168 — 4758 Griffing Avenue. The property contains + 0.231 acres of land located + 923 feet north of the intersection of Griffing Avenue and Tayman Drive, in the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Midlothian, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 4. (Part 2 of 2)
3.1 Discussion, consideration, and action to accept the terms and conditions of the letter of intent (LO!) for a proposed Texas Juvenile Justice Department Corrections Facility ground lease. — County Judge Todd Little (Part 2 of 2)
3.5 Discussion, consideration, and action to approve an Interlocal Agreement with North Texas Behavioral Health Authority (NTBHA) for Inmate Behavioral Health Services, including approval for the County Judge to execute the agreement upon final legal review. — Behavioral Health Director Caitlin Wilkinson
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