OPENING COURT County Judge will call meeting to order, declare quorum if present, and declare notices legally posted pursuant to Open Meetings Act. Motion to Open Court. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance - Commissioner Bill Dodson PUBLIC COMMENT*- Members of the public will have the opportunity to make their comments at the time the agenda item is being addressed.
Consideration and Action: Administrative: Al Approval of Regular Bills, Payroll, and Officers' Reports
OPENING COURT County Judge will call meeting to order, declare quorum if present, and declare notices legally posted pursuant to Open Meetings Act. Motion to Open Court. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance - Commissioner Bill Dodson PUBLIC COMMENT*- Members of the public will have the opportunity to make their comments at the time the agenda item is being addressed.
Consideration and Action: Administrative: Al Approval of Regular Bills, Payroll, and Officers' Reports