County Judge will call meeting to order, declare quorum if present, and declare notices legally posted pursuant to Open Meetings Act. Motion to Open Court. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance - Commissioner Lane Grayson
Administrative: Al Approval of Regular Bills, Payroll, and Officers' Reports A2 August 2018 Travel Reports of the Texas AgriLife Extension Office. -Mark Arnold, Agriculture -Rita Hodges, Family & Consumer Science -Megan Parr, 4H Financial: Fl From 001-0614-50801 Supplies $1,500.00 To 001-0614-50809 Auto Repairs $1,500.00. - Mike Jones, Constable, Pet. 4 F2 From 001-0060-50703 Telephone $425.00; 001-0060-50802 Equipment $100.00; 001-0060-50808 Auto Gas $1,000.00; 001-0060-50809 Auto Repairs $125.00; 001-0060-50873 Office Equipment/Maint/Repair $100.00 To 001-0060-50805 Conference $1,625.00; 001-0060-50819 Computer $125.00. -Alberto Mares, Director of Department of Development F3 From 019-0919-50601 Travel Reimb $60.00 To 019-0919-50799 Copier/Maint/Supplies $60.00. - Carla Cates, Law Library F4 From 001-0380-50601 Travel Reimbursement $450.00; 001-0380-50802 Equipment $220.00; 001-0380-50882 Books $376.00; 001-0380-50805 Conference $907.00 To 001-0380-50832 Visiting Judge $ 1,953.00. - Judge Jim Chapman, County Court at Law #7 F5 From 010-0653-40003 FM2 Misc Reimbursements $110,000.00 To 010-0653-50915 FM2 Asphalt $104,000.00; 010-0653-50910 FM2 Gas-Oil $6,000.00. -Lane Grayson, Commissioner, Pet. 2 F6 From 001-0015-50806 Bonds-Dues $215.60; 001-0015-50815 Jailer Uniforms $48.34; 001-0015- 50801 Supplies $401.39; 001-0015-50819 Computer $204.76; 001-0015-50835 Employee Training $400.00; 001-0015-50868 Professional Services $165.05; 001-0015-50873 Bldg Mech Contracts $110.85; 001-0015-50888 Comp Svc Hardware-Software $1,480.84 To 001-0015- 50802 Equipment $774.83; 001-0015-50865 Pre-Empl Screening $2,252.00. - Chuck Edge. Sheriff F7 From 012-0755-40008 FM4/Interlocal $135,000 To 012-0755-50911 FM4/Gravel $135,000.00. - Kyle Butler, Commissioner, Pet. 4 F8 From 001-0010-50601 Mileage Reimbursement $327.00; 001-0010-50603 Ammunition $18.00; 001-0010-50697 Special Investigations $15,772.18; 001-0010-50704 Pest Control $90.00; 001- 0010-50803 Furniture-Fixtures $290.73; 001-0010-50804 Shipping & Postage $526.60; 001- 0010-50806 Official Bond-Dues $896.36; 001-0010-50819 Computer $425.79; 001-0010-50824 Collision Repair $10,000.00; 001-0010-50835 Employee Training $191.22; 001-0010-50847 Promotional & Printing $1,338.12; 001-0010-50865 Pre-EmployeeTraining $5,040.00; 001-0010- 50870 Estray $8,089.30; 001-0010-50884 Auto Ins. $5,716.00; 001-0010-50888 Computer Svcs $1,552.03; 001-0010-50902 Crime Prevention $278.20; 001-0010-50904 Animal Control $354.56 To 001-0010-50801 Supplies $366.28; 001-0010-50808 Auto Gas-Oil $36,034.00; 001-0010- 50810 Auto Tires $1,788.76; 001-0010-50821 Uniform Expense $62.18; 001-0010-50868 Contract Svcs $11,268.30; 001-0010-50889 Transport Expense $1,386.57. - Chuck Edge, Sheriff F9 From 011-0704-50915 Asphalt $6,000.00 To 011-0704-50802 Purchase of Equipment $6,000.00. - Paul Perry, Commissioner, Pet. 3 F10 From 001-0310-50601 Travel Reimbursement $500.00; 001-0310-50873 Maint/Rps Ofc Equip $50.00 To 001-0310-50605 Conference $550.00. - Melanie Reed, District Clerk Fl 1 From 001-0420-50502 Full Time Salaries $45,745.00; 001-0420-50505 Longevity $900.00; 001- 0420-50875 Juven-Psychologicals $3,850.00; 001-0420-50877 Juven Medicals $11,000.00; 001- 0420-50889 Transport Expense $350.00; 001-0420-50894 Secure Residential $13,020.00; 001- 0420-50895 Juv. Vocational/Education Training $16,100.00; 001-0420-50897 Substance Abuse Services $15,000.00 To 001-0420-50703 Telephone $2,500.00; 001-0420-50845 Juvenile Deten Service $66,650.00; 001-0420-50872 Audit Fees $100.00; 001-0420-50878 Juven Residential $25,244.00; 001-0420-50896 Sex Offender Services $6,500.00; 001-0420-50898 Individual Family Counseling $4,971.00. - Juvenile Board F12 From 001-0390-50801 Supplies $1,500.00; 001-0390-50809 Auto Repairs $450.00To 001-0390-50601 Travel Reimbursement $500; 001-0390-50803 Furniture/Fixtures $1,000.00; 001-0390- 50873 Maint/RPS Ofc Equip $450.00. - Carol Bush, County Judge Simplified Plat: SPl Consider & act upon a simplified plat of RCC Addition, Lots 1-3. The property contains ± 15.602 acres in the Thurmond Taylor Survey, Abstract No. 1084 located on the south side of Armstrong Road ± 1,900 west of Matthews Road, in the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Maypearl, Road & Bridge Precinct No. 3. SP2 Consider & act upon a simplified plat of Webb's Sims Road Place, Lots 1-2. The property contains ± 10.165 acres in the J.J. Mallard Survey, Abstract No. 708 located on the east side of Sims Road sb 300 feet south of Curry Road, Waxahachie, Road & Bridge Precinct No. 3.
RECESS REGULAR SESSION TO CONVENE INTO PUBLIC HEARING PI Conduct a public hearing to consider and act upon a request to amend Order No. 192.02, as amended, the Rules, Regulations, and Specifications for Subdivisions and Manufactured Homes, Appendix A (Drainage Requirements Criteria & Design Standards), specifically amending Section F (Storm Drainage Design Criteria) revising Runoff Coefficients for Types of Land Use, Rainfall Intensity, and Inlet Time of Concentration and any other related articles, sections, and paragraphs. ADJORNMENT OF PUBLIC HEARING RECONVENE TO REGULAR SESSION
1.1 Consider and act upon an amendment to Order No. 192.02, as amended, the Rules, Regulations, and Specifications for Subdivisions and Manufactured Homes, Appendix A (Drainage Requirements Criteria & Design Standards), specifically amending Section F (Storm Drainage Design Criteria) revising Runoff Coefficients for Types of Land Use, Rainfall Intensity, and Inlet Time of Concentration and any other related articles, sections, and paragraphs.
1.2 Consider & act upon a replat of Maypearl Hidden Hills, Lots 41A & 4 IB. The property contains a total of ± 2.396 acres of land located at the northwest comer of DuBose Way and Mangrum Drive, in the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETI) of the City of Maypearl, Road & Bridge Precinct No. 3.
Consider & act upon a request to grant a one-time variance from Section VIII (A) (Residential Lots) of the County of Ellis Rules, Regulations and Specifications for Subdivisions and Manufactured Homes to allow one (1) single-family residence without meeting the minimum road frontage requirement. The property contains ± 2.50 acres of land in the T.J. Chambers Survey, Abstract No. 30, commonly known as 161 Hoot Lane, Ennis, Road & Bridge Precinct No. 2.
Approval of interlocal agreement between Ellis County and Capital Area Council of Governments (CAPCOG) for the software offered by the South Central Planning & Development Commission (SCPDC).
Approval of the renewal agreement with Ellis County SPCA from October 1, 2018 through September 30,2019.
Approval of the renewal agreement with Hibbs-Hallmark for the comprehensive insurance for Ellis County. Renewal term is from October 1, 2018 through September 30, 2019.
Approval to purchase a six thousand gallon Dura Emulsion storage tank for Road and Bridge Pet. 3.
To accept renewal agreements for RB-2016-003 Pavement Rehabilitation and Resurfacing Services for the final renewal term.
Approval to move forward with the Courthouse furniture project. Total not to exceed $76,000.00.
Accept the application of Brian Henson to serve as board member in Emergency Services District #4. - Tim Birdwell, Fire Marshal.
Approval of the 2018-2019 Law Library service fees as follows: Printing and copying .25 cents per page; incoming fax $1.50 per page; outgoing fax $2.00 for the first page and $1.00 per additional page; notary fee $6.00 per document and $1.00 for every additional signature per document. The board room rental fee is $25.00 per hour. - Carla Gates, Law Librarian
Renewal of TAC (Texas Association of Counties) Workers' Compensation Program and submit the necessary Poll documentation necessary for the Pool to properly underwrite the renewal. - Theresa Taylor, Director, Human Resources
Authorize Carol Bush, Ellis County Judge, to execute the FY 2018 Audit Engagement Letter with Partillo, Brown, & Hill, LLP. - Miykael Reeve, Auditor
Approval of contract to upgrade the current voting system. - Jana Onyon, Elections Administrator
Bring to the Court's attention budget shortfalls in Inmate Feeding and Inmate Medical Consider action as may be appropriate. - Chuck Edge, Sheriff
Bring to the Court's attention budget shortfalls, and request a budget adjustment in the amount to $30,000 for maintenance and inspections in the Wayne McCollum Detention Center. - Chuck Edge, Sheriff
The Commissioners Court of Ellis County reserves the right to adjourn into Executive Session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any of the matters listed in this agenda, in the order deemed appropriate, as authorized by Texas Government Code 551, or to seek the advice of its attorney and/or other attorneys representing Ellis County on any matter in which the duty of the attorney to the Commissioners Court under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with Texas Government Code Chapter 551 or as otherwise may be permitted under 551. 4.1 Pursuant to §551.074 of the Government Code, consultation regarding personnel matters. 4.2 Pursuant to Section 551.071 of the Government Code, consultation with counsel regarding pending or contemplated litigation. 4.3 Pursuant to § 551.072 of the Government Code, consultation with counsel regarding the possible sale or lease of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the governmental body in negotiations with a third person. 4.4 Pursuant to §551.076 of the Government Code, consultation to deliberate the deployment, or specific occasions for implementation, of security personnel or devices. 4.5 Pursuant to §551.071 of the Government Code, consultation with counsel concerning the settlement offer to replace Ms. Jodi Spillers Chevrolet Silverado windshield, damaged during the course of Ms. Spillers work day returning from inventory audit at Road & Bridge Pet. 1. ADJOURNMENT OF EXECUTIVE SESSION
Authorizing the County Attorney to offer and settle a claim on behalf of Ellis County involving Ms. Jodi Spiller for damage to her Chevrolet Silverado windshield damaged during the course of Ms. Spillers work day returning from inventory audit at Road & Bridge Pet. 1.
2.10 Approval to accept the sole source documents from SecureTech Systems, Inc. and the Sheriffs Office and proceed with the upgrade to the security and notification system at the historic courthouse. 3.10 Department of Development software. - Alberto Mares, Director, Department of Development ADJOURNMENT
County Judge will call meeting to order, declare quorum if present, and declare notices legally posted pursuant to Open Meetings Act. Motion to Open Court. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance - Commissioner Lane Grayson
Administrative: Al Approval of Regular Bills, Payroll, and Officers' Reports A2 August 2018 Travel Reports of the Texas AgriLife Extension Office. -Mark Arnold, Agriculture -Rita Hodges, Family & Consumer Science -Megan Parr, 4H Financial: Fl From 001-0614-50801 Supplies $1,500.00 To 001-0614-50809 Auto Repairs $1,500.00. - Mike Jones, Constable, Pet. 4 F2 From 001-0060-50703 Telephone $425.00; 001-0060-50802 Equipment $100.00; 001-0060-50808 Auto Gas $1,000.00; 001-0060-50809 Auto Repairs $125.00; 001-0060-50873 Office Equipment/Maint/Repair $100.00 To 001-0060-50805 Conference $1,625.00; 001-0060-50819 Computer $125.00. -Alberto Mares, Director of Department of Development F3 From 019-0919-50601 Travel Reimb $60.00 To 019-0919-50799 Copier/Maint/Supplies $60.00. - Carla Cates, Law Library F4 From 001-0380-50601 Travel Reimbursement $450.00; 001-0380-50802 Equipment $220.00; 001-0380-50882 Books $376.00; 001-0380-50805 Conference $907.00 To 001-0380-50832 Visiting Judge $ 1,953.00. - Judge Jim Chapman, County Court at Law #7 F5 From 010-0653-40003 FM2 Misc Reimbursements $110,000.00 To 010-0653-50915 FM2 Asphalt $104,000.00; 010-0653-50910 FM2 Gas-Oil $6,000.00. -Lane Grayson, Commissioner, Pet. 2 F6 From 001-0015-50806 Bonds-Dues $215.60; 001-0015-50815 Jailer Uniforms $48.34; 001-0015- 50801 Supplies $401.39; 001-0015-50819 Computer $204.76; 001-0015-50835 Employee Training $400.00; 001-0015-50868 Professional Services $165.05; 001-0015-50873 Bldg Mech Contracts $110.85; 001-0015-50888 Comp Svc Hardware-Software $1,480.84 To 001-0015- 50802 Equipment $774.83; 001-0015-50865 Pre-Empl Screening $2,252.00. - Chuck Edge. Sheriff F7 From 012-0755-40008 FM4/Interlocal $135,000 To 012-0755-50911 FM4/Gravel $135,000.00. - Kyle Butler, Commissioner, Pet. 4 F8 From 001-0010-50601 Mileage Reimbursement $327.00; 001-0010-50603 Ammunition $18.00; 001-0010-50697 Special Investigations $15,772.18; 001-0010-50704 Pest Control $90.00; 001- 0010-50803 Furniture-Fixtures $290.73; 001-0010-50804 Shipping & Postage $526.60; 001- 0010-50806 Official Bond-Dues $896.36; 001-0010-50819 Computer $425.79; 001-0010-50824 Collision Repair $10,000.00; 001-0010-50835 Employee Training $191.22; 001-0010-50847 Promotional & Printing $1,338.12; 001-0010-50865 Pre-EmployeeTraining $5,040.00; 001-0010- 50870 Estray $8,089.30; 001-0010-50884 Auto Ins. $5,716.00; 001-0010-50888 Computer Svcs $1,552.03; 001-0010-50902 Crime Prevention $278.20; 001-0010-50904 Animal Control $354.56 To 001-0010-50801 Supplies $366.28; 001-0010-50808 Auto Gas-Oil $36,034.00; 001-0010- 50810 Auto Tires $1,788.76; 001-0010-50821 Uniform Expense $62.18; 001-0010-50868 Contract Svcs $11,268.30; 001-0010-50889 Transport Expense $1,386.57. - Chuck Edge, Sheriff F9 From 011-0704-50915 Asphalt $6,000.00 To 011-0704-50802 Purchase of Equipment $6,000.00. - Paul Perry, Commissioner, Pet. 3 F10 From 001-0310-50601 Travel Reimbursement $500.00; 001-0310-50873 Maint/Rps Ofc Equip $50.00 To 001-0310-50605 Conference $550.00. - Melanie Reed, District Clerk Fl 1 From 001-0420-50502 Full Time Salaries $45,745.00; 001-0420-50505 Longevity $900.00; 001- 0420-50875 Juven-Psychologicals $3,850.00; 001-0420-50877 Juven Medicals $11,000.00; 001- 0420-50889 Transport Expense $350.00; 001-0420-50894 Secure Residential $13,020.00; 001- 0420-50895 Juv. Vocational/Education Training $16,100.00; 001-0420-50897 Substance Abuse Services $15,000.00 To 001-0420-50703 Telephone $2,500.00; 001-0420-50845 Juvenile Deten Service $66,650.00; 001-0420-50872 Audit Fees $100.00; 001-0420-50878 Juven Residential $25,244.00; 001-0420-50896 Sex Offender Services $6,500.00; 001-0420-50898 Individual Family Counseling $4,971.00. - Juvenile Board F12 From 001-0390-50801 Supplies $1,500.00; 001-0390-50809 Auto Repairs $450.00To 001-0390-50601 Travel Reimbursement $500; 001-0390-50803 Furniture/Fixtures $1,000.00; 001-0390- 50873 Maint/RPS Ofc Equip $450.00. - Carol Bush, County Judge Simplified Plat: SPl Consider & act upon a simplified plat of RCC Addition, Lots 1-3. The property contains ± 15.602 acres in the Thurmond Taylor Survey, Abstract No. 1084 located on the south side of Armstrong Road ± 1,900 west of Matthews Road, in the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Maypearl, Road & Bridge Precinct No. 3. SP2 Consider & act upon a simplified plat of Webb's Sims Road Place, Lots 1-2. The property contains ± 10.165 acres in the J.J. Mallard Survey, Abstract No. 708 located on the east side of Sims Road sb 300 feet south of Curry Road, Waxahachie, Road & Bridge Precinct No. 3.
RECESS REGULAR SESSION TO CONVENE INTO PUBLIC HEARING PI Conduct a public hearing to consider and act upon a request to amend Order No. 192.02, as amended, the Rules, Regulations, and Specifications for Subdivisions and Manufactured Homes, Appendix A (Drainage Requirements Criteria & Design Standards), specifically amending Section F (Storm Drainage Design Criteria) revising Runoff Coefficients for Types of Land Use, Rainfall Intensity, and Inlet Time of Concentration and any other related articles, sections, and paragraphs. ADJORNMENT OF PUBLIC HEARING RECONVENE TO REGULAR SESSION
1.1 Consider and act upon an amendment to Order No. 192.02, as amended, the Rules, Regulations, and Specifications for Subdivisions and Manufactured Homes, Appendix A (Drainage Requirements Criteria & Design Standards), specifically amending Section F (Storm Drainage Design Criteria) revising Runoff Coefficients for Types of Land Use, Rainfall Intensity, and Inlet Time of Concentration and any other related articles, sections, and paragraphs.
1.2 Consider & act upon a replat of Maypearl Hidden Hills, Lots 41A & 4 IB. The property contains a total of ± 2.396 acres of land located at the northwest comer of DuBose Way and Mangrum Drive, in the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETI) of the City of Maypearl, Road & Bridge Precinct No. 3.
Consider & act upon a request to grant a one-time variance from Section VIII (A) (Residential Lots) of the County of Ellis Rules, Regulations and Specifications for Subdivisions and Manufactured Homes to allow one (1) single-family residence without meeting the minimum road frontage requirement. The property contains ± 2.50 acres of land in the T.J. Chambers Survey, Abstract No. 30, commonly known as 161 Hoot Lane, Ennis, Road & Bridge Precinct No. 2.
Approval of interlocal agreement between Ellis County and Capital Area Council of Governments (CAPCOG) for the software offered by the South Central Planning & Development Commission (SCPDC).
Approval of the renewal agreement with Ellis County SPCA from October 1, 2018 through September 30,2019.
Approval of the renewal agreement with Hibbs-Hallmark for the comprehensive insurance for Ellis County. Renewal term is from October 1, 2018 through September 30, 2019.
Approval to purchase a six thousand gallon Dura Emulsion storage tank for Road and Bridge Pet. 3.
To accept renewal agreements for RB-2016-003 Pavement Rehabilitation and Resurfacing Services for the final renewal term.
Approval to move forward with the Courthouse furniture project. Total not to exceed $76,000.00.
Accept the application of Brian Henson to serve as board member in Emergency Services District #4. - Tim Birdwell, Fire Marshal.
Approval of the 2018-2019 Law Library service fees as follows: Printing and copying .25 cents per page; incoming fax $1.50 per page; outgoing fax $2.00 for the first page and $1.00 per additional page; notary fee $6.00 per document and $1.00 for every additional signature per document. The board room rental fee is $25.00 per hour. - Carla Gates, Law Librarian
Renewal of TAC (Texas Association of Counties) Workers' Compensation Program and submit the necessary Poll documentation necessary for the Pool to properly underwrite the renewal. - Theresa Taylor, Director, Human Resources
Authorize Carol Bush, Ellis County Judge, to execute the FY 2018 Audit Engagement Letter with Partillo, Brown, & Hill, LLP. - Miykael Reeve, Auditor
Approval of contract to upgrade the current voting system. - Jana Onyon, Elections Administrator
Bring to the Court's attention budget shortfalls in Inmate Feeding and Inmate Medical Consider action as may be appropriate. - Chuck Edge, Sheriff
Bring to the Court's attention budget shortfalls, and request a budget adjustment in the amount to $30,000 for maintenance and inspections in the Wayne McCollum Detention Center. - Chuck Edge, Sheriff
The Commissioners Court of Ellis County reserves the right to adjourn into Executive Session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any of the matters listed in this agenda, in the order deemed appropriate, as authorized by Texas Government Code 551, or to seek the advice of its attorney and/or other attorneys representing Ellis County on any matter in which the duty of the attorney to the Commissioners Court under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with Texas Government Code Chapter 551 or as otherwise may be permitted under 551. 4.1 Pursuant to §551.074 of the Government Code, consultation regarding personnel matters. 4.2 Pursuant to Section 551.071 of the Government Code, consultation with counsel regarding pending or contemplated litigation. 4.3 Pursuant to § 551.072 of the Government Code, consultation with counsel regarding the possible sale or lease of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the governmental body in negotiations with a third person. 4.4 Pursuant to §551.076 of the Government Code, consultation to deliberate the deployment, or specific occasions for implementation, of security personnel or devices. 4.5 Pursuant to §551.071 of the Government Code, consultation with counsel concerning the settlement offer to replace Ms. Jodi Spillers Chevrolet Silverado windshield, damaged during the course of Ms. Spillers work day returning from inventory audit at Road & Bridge Pet. 1. ADJOURNMENT OF EXECUTIVE SESSION
Authorizing the County Attorney to offer and settle a claim on behalf of Ellis County involving Ms. Jodi Spiller for damage to her Chevrolet Silverado windshield damaged during the course of Ms. Spillers work day returning from inventory audit at Road & Bridge Pet. 1.
2.10 Approval to accept the sole source documents from SecureTech Systems, Inc. and the Sheriffs Office and proceed with the upgrade to the security and notification system at the historic courthouse. 3.10 Department of Development software. - Alberto Mares, Director, Department of Development ADJOURNMENT