County Judge will call meeting to order, declare quorum if present, and declare notices legally posted pursuant to Open Meetings Act §551 Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance- Commissioner Kyle Butler
Consideration and Action: Administrative: Al Approval of Regular Bills, Payroll, and Officers' Reports A2 Approval of funds to purchase an employee/elected official appreciation plaque in an amount not to exceed S150.00. -Todd Little, County Judge Financial: Fl From 001-0210-40719-00000-000 Chapter 19 Funding SI,486.00 To 001-0210-50800-00000-000 Chapter 19 Expenses SI,486.00- Jana Onyon, Elections F2 From 042-0942-30302-00000-000 Fund Balance S843.00 To 042-0942-50802-00000-000 S843.00 Equipment - Chuck Edge, Sheriff
DEPARTMENT OF COUNTY DEVELOPMENT Consider & act upon a preliminary plat of Jordan Run Phase IV. The property contains ± 98.332 acres of land, situated in the E. Ballard Survey, Abstract No.119, the J. Smith Survey, Abstract No. 963, the J. Johnson Survey, Abstract No. 558, and the J. Singleton Survey, Abstract No. 959, located on the east side of Norrell Road ± 1,300 feet south of Jayccc Drive, in the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Midlothian, Road & Bridge Precinct No. 3.
ADMINISTRATIVE Bum ban for Ellis County. - Tim Birdwell, Fire Marshal/Emergency Management Coordinator
Approval of payment to Texas Lawyer's Insurance Exchange (TLIE) for Judge's Professional Liability Insurance Policy effective 03/01/2019 to 03/01/2020. - Honorable Judge Jim Chapman, County Court at Law 1
Presentation of personnel/staffing request and request action as appropriate. - Chuck Edge, Sheriff
The Commissioners Court of Ellis County reserves the right to adjourn into Executive Session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any of the matters listed in this agenda, in the order deemed appropriate, as authorized by Texas Government Code 551, or to seek the advice of its attorney and/or other attorneys representing Ellis County on any matter in which the duty of the attorney to the Commissioners Court under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with Texas Government Code Chapter 551 or as otherwise maybe permitted under 551. 4.1 Pursuant to section §551.072 of the Government Code, to deliberate the negotiation, purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property from Mount Auburn, LLC for the realignment of Bryson Road near Red Oak Creek and Ovilla. The land being negotiated is an approximately 2.2 acre parcel from the 113.241 acres parcel owned by Mount Auburn, LLC, Instrument No. 1513252 O.P.R.E.C.T. The deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of Ellis County in negotiations with Mount Auburn, LLC. ADJOURNMENT OF EXECUTIVE SESSION
Authority to negotiate the price of 2.2 acres from Mount Auburn, LLC for the realignment of Bryson Road near Red Oak Creek and Ovilla. The land being negotiated is an approximately 2.2 acre parcel from the 113.241 acres owned by Mount Auburn, LLC, Instrument No. 1513252 O.P.R.E.C.T. - Kyle Butler, Precinct 4 ADJOURNMENT
County Judge will call meeting to order, declare quorum if present, and declare notices legally posted pursuant to Open Meetings Act §551 Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance- Commissioner Kyle Butler
Consideration and Action: Administrative: Al Approval of Regular Bills, Payroll, and Officers' Reports A2 Approval of funds to purchase an employee/elected official appreciation plaque in an amount not to exceed S150.00. -Todd Little, County Judge Financial: Fl From 001-0210-40719-00000-000 Chapter 19 Funding SI,486.00 To 001-0210-50800-00000-000 Chapter 19 Expenses SI,486.00- Jana Onyon, Elections F2 From 042-0942-30302-00000-000 Fund Balance S843.00 To 042-0942-50802-00000-000 S843.00 Equipment - Chuck Edge, Sheriff
DEPARTMENT OF COUNTY DEVELOPMENT Consider & act upon a preliminary plat of Jordan Run Phase IV. The property contains ± 98.332 acres of land, situated in the E. Ballard Survey, Abstract No.119, the J. Smith Survey, Abstract No. 963, the J. Johnson Survey, Abstract No. 558, and the J. Singleton Survey, Abstract No. 959, located on the east side of Norrell Road ± 1,300 feet south of Jayccc Drive, in the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Midlothian, Road & Bridge Precinct No. 3.
ADMINISTRATIVE Bum ban for Ellis County. - Tim Birdwell, Fire Marshal/Emergency Management Coordinator
Approval of payment to Texas Lawyer's Insurance Exchange (TLIE) for Judge's Professional Liability Insurance Policy effective 03/01/2019 to 03/01/2020. - Honorable Judge Jim Chapman, County Court at Law 1
Presentation of personnel/staffing request and request action as appropriate. - Chuck Edge, Sheriff
The Commissioners Court of Ellis County reserves the right to adjourn into Executive Session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any of the matters listed in this agenda, in the order deemed appropriate, as authorized by Texas Government Code 551, or to seek the advice of its attorney and/or other attorneys representing Ellis County on any matter in which the duty of the attorney to the Commissioners Court under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with Texas Government Code Chapter 551 or as otherwise maybe permitted under 551. 4.1 Pursuant to section §551.072 of the Government Code, to deliberate the negotiation, purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property from Mount Auburn, LLC for the realignment of Bryson Road near Red Oak Creek and Ovilla. The land being negotiated is an approximately 2.2 acre parcel from the 113.241 acres parcel owned by Mount Auburn, LLC, Instrument No. 1513252 O.P.R.E.C.T. The deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of Ellis County in negotiations with Mount Auburn, LLC. ADJOURNMENT OF EXECUTIVE SESSION
Authority to negotiate the price of 2.2 acres from Mount Auburn, LLC for the realignment of Bryson Road near Red Oak Creek and Ovilla. The land being negotiated is an approximately 2.2 acre parcel from the 113.241 acres owned by Mount Auburn, LLC, Instrument No. 1513252 O.P.R.E.C.T. - Kyle Butler, Precinct 4 ADJOURNMENT