County Judge will call meeting to order, declare quorum if present, and declare notices legally posted pursuant to Open Meetings Act §551 Motion to open meeting Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance - Commissioner Kyle Butler
Administrative: A1 Approval of Regular Bills, Payroll, and Officers' Reports A2 Approval of Commissioners Court Minutes from March 12,2019. - Krystal Valdez, County Clerk A3 Acceptance of continuing education hours for County Judge Todd Little. - Todd Little, County Judge A4 Acceptance of continuing education hours for Commissioner Paul Perry. - Paul Perry, Commissioner, Precinct 3 A5 Approval of funds to purchase an employee appreciation plaque in an amount not to exceed $ 125.00. -Todd Little, County Judge A6 Acceptance of the resignation of Facilities Manager effective Friday, March 22, 2019. - Ellis County Commissioners' Court Financial: F1 From 012-0755-400080 FM4/Interlocal $43,000.00 To 012-0755-508020 FM4/Purchase of Equipment $43,000.00-KyleButler, Commissioner, Precinct 4 Simplified Plat SP1 Consider & act upon a simplified plat of Schumacher Subdivision, Lot 1. The property contains ± 2.666 acres of land in the John Plunkett Survey, Abstract No. 826 located on the north side of FM 878 ± 2,100 feet west of Rutherford Road, Palmer, Road & Bridge Precinct No. 1. SP2 Consider & act upon a simplified plat of Peaceful Prairie Estates, Lots 1-3. The properties contains ± 11.071 acres of land in the J. Barker Survey, Abstract No. 40 located on the east side of Lone Elm Road ± 800 feet south of East FM 875, in the ETJ of the City of Waxahachie, Road & Bridge Precinct No. 3.
From 001-0000-303020 Fund Balance $80,814.24; 001-0010-406590 Insurance Reimb $23,143.10 To 001-0140-508110 Fleet Purchase $80,814.24; 001-0140-508110 Fleet Purchase $23,143.10. - Miykael Reeve, CGFO, Auditor
REGULAR AGENDA - Discussion, consideration, and action: DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Consider & act upon a request to grant a one-time variance for Parcel ID No. 179593 from Section IV (B)(2) (Residential Lots) of the Subdivision Development Standards to allow one (1) lot without meeting the minimum public road frontage. The property contains ± 1.124 acres of land on the west side of Andrea Road, ± 305 feet south of Shannon Court in the ETJ of the City of Waxahachie, Road & Bridge Precinct No.4.
Consider & act upon a request for 5664 Montgomery Road to grant a one-time variance from Section IV (C)(1) (Building Lines and Easements) of the Subdivision Development Standards to allow one (1) non-habitable structure to encroach onto the minimum front setback distance requirement. The property contains ± 1.95 acres of land located on the south side of Montgomery Road ± 920 feet east of Stonewood Circle in the ETJ of the City of Midlothian, Road & Bridge Precinct No. 4.
Consider and act upon a request to release a maintenance bond issued by The Philadephia Indemnity Insurance Company for Bryson Springs, Phase 1 located in the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Midlothian, Road & Bridge Precinct No. 4.
PURCHASING Consideration and action to declare the listed vehicles as surplus for Road and Bridge Precinct 1 and to be disposed in accordance of the Local Government Code 263: 2004 Kubota C3 Tractor, Serial Number 11189; John Deere Tractor, Model 5105, Serial Number LV5105C410658; PTO Auger & Bit Auger.
Discussion and approval for the County Judge to sign the annual renewal agreement with Crosspoint Communication. The January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019 agreement is in the amount of $3,492.00 paid from budget line item 001-0140-508870.
Discussion, consideration and approval to purchase and the County Judge to sign an agreement from Austin Turf and Tractor for a John Deere 5100E Utility Tractor for Road and Bridge Precinct 1. This item will be purchased from 009-0602-508020. Purchase will be in the amount of $34,481.23. This amount includes a trade allowance in amount of $20,400.00
Discussion, consideration and approval for the County Judge to sign a cooperative purchasing interlocal agreement with the City of Frisco. This agreement will allow Ellis County to utilize City of Frisco pricing on law enforcement uniforms.
ADMINISTRATIVE Recognize April as National Child Abuse Awareness Month. - Leslie Deen, Ellis County Children's Advocacy Center
Consideration and possible action regarding the authorization of the Ellis County & District Attorney's Office and the Ellis County Children's Advocacy Center to bring therapy dogs and facility dogs into county buildings. - Patrick M. Wilson, County and District Attorney
Approve the addition of a new board member to the Ellis County Child Welfare Board: Sharon Mclver, of Waxahachie. -Sylvia Smith, Chair, Ellis County Child Welfare Board
Information and approval for the County Judge to sign the 2018 Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Annual Report prior to submitting to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). - Joseph Jackson, Engineering
Presentation and acceptance of the comprehensive annual audit report for the fiscal year end 2018. - Miykael Reeve, CGFO, Auditor, Chris Pruitt, Pattillo-Brown & Hill, l.L.P.
Discussion and possible action to approve the order and placement of historic plaques at the Historic Courthouse. - Todd Little, County Judge ADJOURNMENT
County Judge will call meeting to order, declare quorum if present, and declare notices legally posted pursuant to Open Meetings Act §551 Motion to open meeting Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance - Commissioner Kyle Butler
Administrative: A1 Approval of Regular Bills, Payroll, and Officers' Reports A2 Approval of Commissioners Court Minutes from March 12,2019. - Krystal Valdez, County Clerk A3 Acceptance of continuing education hours for County Judge Todd Little. - Todd Little, County Judge A4 Acceptance of continuing education hours for Commissioner Paul Perry. - Paul Perry, Commissioner, Precinct 3 A5 Approval of funds to purchase an employee appreciation plaque in an amount not to exceed $ 125.00. -Todd Little, County Judge A6 Acceptance of the resignation of Facilities Manager effective Friday, March 22, 2019. - Ellis County Commissioners' Court Financial: F1 From 012-0755-400080 FM4/Interlocal $43,000.00 To 012-0755-508020 FM4/Purchase of Equipment $43,000.00-KyleButler, Commissioner, Precinct 4 Simplified Plat SP1 Consider & act upon a simplified plat of Schumacher Subdivision, Lot 1. The property contains ± 2.666 acres of land in the John Plunkett Survey, Abstract No. 826 located on the north side of FM 878 ± 2,100 feet west of Rutherford Road, Palmer, Road & Bridge Precinct No. 1. SP2 Consider & act upon a simplified plat of Peaceful Prairie Estates, Lots 1-3. The properties contains ± 11.071 acres of land in the J. Barker Survey, Abstract No. 40 located on the east side of Lone Elm Road ± 800 feet south of East FM 875, in the ETJ of the City of Waxahachie, Road & Bridge Precinct No. 3.
From 001-0000-303020 Fund Balance $80,814.24; 001-0010-406590 Insurance Reimb $23,143.10 To 001-0140-508110 Fleet Purchase $80,814.24; 001-0140-508110 Fleet Purchase $23,143.10. - Miykael Reeve, CGFO, Auditor
REGULAR AGENDA - Discussion, consideration, and action: DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Consider & act upon a request to grant a one-time variance for Parcel ID No. 179593 from Section IV (B)(2) (Residential Lots) of the Subdivision Development Standards to allow one (1) lot without meeting the minimum public road frontage. The property contains ± 1.124 acres of land on the west side of Andrea Road, ± 305 feet south of Shannon Court in the ETJ of the City of Waxahachie, Road & Bridge Precinct No.4.
Consider & act upon a request for 5664 Montgomery Road to grant a one-time variance from Section IV (C)(1) (Building Lines and Easements) of the Subdivision Development Standards to allow one (1) non-habitable structure to encroach onto the minimum front setback distance requirement. The property contains ± 1.95 acres of land located on the south side of Montgomery Road ± 920 feet east of Stonewood Circle in the ETJ of the City of Midlothian, Road & Bridge Precinct No. 4.
Consider and act upon a request to release a maintenance bond issued by The Philadephia Indemnity Insurance Company for Bryson Springs, Phase 1 located in the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Midlothian, Road & Bridge Precinct No. 4.
PURCHASING Consideration and action to declare the listed vehicles as surplus for Road and Bridge Precinct 1 and to be disposed in accordance of the Local Government Code 263: 2004 Kubota C3 Tractor, Serial Number 11189; John Deere Tractor, Model 5105, Serial Number LV5105C410658; PTO Auger & Bit Auger.
Discussion and approval for the County Judge to sign the annual renewal agreement with Crosspoint Communication. The January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019 agreement is in the amount of $3,492.00 paid from budget line item 001-0140-508870.
Discussion, consideration and approval to purchase and the County Judge to sign an agreement from Austin Turf and Tractor for a John Deere 5100E Utility Tractor for Road and Bridge Precinct 1. This item will be purchased from 009-0602-508020. Purchase will be in the amount of $34,481.23. This amount includes a trade allowance in amount of $20,400.00
Discussion, consideration and approval for the County Judge to sign a cooperative purchasing interlocal agreement with the City of Frisco. This agreement will allow Ellis County to utilize City of Frisco pricing on law enforcement uniforms.
ADMINISTRATIVE Recognize April as National Child Abuse Awareness Month. - Leslie Deen, Ellis County Children's Advocacy Center
Consideration and possible action regarding the authorization of the Ellis County & District Attorney's Office and the Ellis County Children's Advocacy Center to bring therapy dogs and facility dogs into county buildings. - Patrick M. Wilson, County and District Attorney
Approve the addition of a new board member to the Ellis County Child Welfare Board: Sharon Mclver, of Waxahachie. -Sylvia Smith, Chair, Ellis County Child Welfare Board
Information and approval for the County Judge to sign the 2018 Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Annual Report prior to submitting to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). - Joseph Jackson, Engineering
Presentation and acceptance of the comprehensive annual audit report for the fiscal year end 2018. - Miykael Reeve, CGFO, Auditor, Chris Pruitt, Pattillo-Brown & Hill, l.L.P.
Discussion and possible action to approve the order and placement of historic plaques at the Historic Courthouse. - Todd Little, County Judge ADJOURNMENT