County Judge will call meeting to order, declare quorum if present, and declare notices legally posted pursuant to Open Meetings Act §551 Motion to open meeting Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance - Commissioner Paul Perry
Administrative: A1 Approval of Regular Bills, Payroll, and Officers' Reports. A2 Approval of Commissioners Court Minutes from July 16, 2019. - Krystal Valdez, County Clerk A3 Approval for County Judge to sign the UT Southwestern Medical Center Mobile Mammography Service Agreement. - Theresa Taylor, Human Resources A4 Acceptance of 2nd Quarter 2019 Ellis County Investment Report. - Cheryl Chambers, Treasurer A5 Acceptance of the Interlocal agreements between Ellis County Precinct 2 and City of Alma to rehabilitate roads for Section House Road, Whitfill Road, Zmolek Road, Alma Drive, and Toth Road, in the amount of $178,800.00. - Lane Grayson, Commissioner, Precinct 2 A6 Approval of action to repair the following streets for the City of Italy under Interlocal Agreement. (South Ward, Parker, Rosemond Lane, Wood, Mesquite, Elm, Panther, and MLK Jr.) - Paul Perry, Commissioner, Precinct 3 A7 Approval of action regarding Interlocal Minute Order 499.18(b) for Palmer ISD. Work includes chip seal on existing street by High School; dimensions quoted 20' x 664' and 1,080 sq. ft. parking lots by AG barns. - Randy Stinson, Commissioner, Precinct 1 A8 Submission of the annual budget of the Ellis County Juvenile Probation A9 Approval for the County Judge to order the Special Election to fill vacancies in the city of Bardwell to be held on November 5, 2019 for the purpose of electing a Mayor and two Council Members as required by Subchapter A, Chapter 8 Sec. 24.026(b) of the Texas Local Government Code. - Todd Little, County Judge A1O Approval to renew maintenance contract for 480-9322-00 L-1 Jetscan, i l 2 1 , iFX with Cummins Allison. This is an annual service contract for the money counter and check depositing machine (Serial Number IH21040613259) in the Treasurer's office for $424.00. The term is 09/01/2019 to 08/31/2020. - Cheryl Chambers, Treasurer A11 Authorization for the County Judge to request funds from the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts associated with unclaimed capital credits received from Electric Cooperatives and to certify that use of funds will be for a program as specified under Texas Local Government Code §381.004. Upon receipt, the budget will be amended accordingly. - Todd Little, County Judge Financial: F2 From 001-0614-508050 Conference $300.00 To 001-0614-508090 Auto Repairs $300.00 - Mike Jones, Constable, Precinct 4 F3 From 001-0015-508070 General Misc. $1,533.00 To 001-0015-507120 Radios $1,533.00 - Chuck Edge, Sheriff F4 From 042-0942-303020 Fund Balance $17,208.42 To 042-0942-508020 Equipment $17,208.42 - Chuck Edge, Sheriff F5 From 001-0010-508240 Collision Repair $2,000.00; 001-0010-508650 Pre-Empl Screening $1,000.00; 001-0010-508700 Estray $70.28; 001-0010-509040 Animal Control $76.89 To 001-0010-508100 Auto Tires $2,000.00; 001-0010-508010 Supplies $1,000.00; 001-0010-509460 Dispatch Equipment $70.28; 001-0010-508070 General Misc. $76.89 - Chuck Edge, Sheriff F6 To 001-0520-508730 Maint. Rps Office Equipment $900.00; 001-0520-508740 Docket Books- Printing $500.00 To 001-0520-508010 Supplies $500.00; 001-0520-508030 Office Fixture- Furniture $900.00 -Jackie Miller, Jr., Justice of the Peace, Precinct 2 F7 From 001-0210-409640 Contracting Elections $14,000.00 To 001-0210-508010 Supplies $1,700.00; 001-0210-508480 Holding Salary $11,750.00; 001-0210-506950 FICA $150.00; 001- 0210-507030 Telephone $200.00; 001-0210-508050 Conference $200.00 -Jana Onyon, Elections F8 From 001-0060-508080 Auto Gas $250.00; 001-0060-508090 Auto Repair $500.00; 001-0060- 508100 Auto Tires $500.00; 001-0060-508190 Computer $500.00 To 001-0060-508010 Supplies $500.00; 001-0060-508050 Conference $1,250.00 - Alberto Mares, Department of Development F9 From 009-0602-400080 FMl-lnterlocal $117,383.59 To 009-0602-508020 FMl-Purchase of Equipment $117,383.59 - Randy Stinson, Commissioner, Precinct 1 F10 From 012-0755-303020 FM4/Fund Bal Carryover $100,000.00 To 012-0755-509110 FM4/Gravel $100,000.00 - Kyle Butler, Commissioner, Precinct 4 F11 From 001-0430-509760 Preparedness Fair $250.00 To 001-0430-508680 EMC Contract Services (Copier) $250.00 - Samantha Pickett, Emergency Management Coordinator F12 From 001-0010-406590 Insurance Reimbursement $2,500.00 To 001-0140-508070 Other Expenses $2,500.00 - Todd Little, County Judge Simplified Plat: SP1 Consideration and action regarding a simplified plat of Donald Subdivision. The property contains ± 20.02 acres in the L. Parsons Survey, Abstract No. 862, located on the south side of FM 916, ± 1,554 feet west of the intersection of Wiggins Road and FM 916, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 3. SP2 Consideration and action regarding a simplified plat of Underwood Farm, Lot 1. The property contains ± 1.138 acres in the Jesse Benton Survey, Abstract No. 39 located on the north side of Old Maypearl Road ± 6,700 feet east of Greathouse Road, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 3.
Consideration and action regarding a request to replat of Abigail Acres, Lot IR to adjust the lot lines for residential use. The property contains a total of ± 3.490 acres of land, located on the south side of Brindley Road ± 3,080 feet west of FM 66, Ellis County Road & Bridge Pet. No. 3.
Consideration and action regarding authorization to lease with option to purchase a new chip spreader through the Buyboard in the amount of $289,450.00; for Road and Bridge Precinct 2.
Consideration and action for approval of the purchase of video cameras for JP Pct. 1 and Tax Office in the Ellis County sub courthouse in Ennis, TX in the amount of $10,099.00.
Consideration and action to re-appoint director Maurice Osborn to the Prairielands Groundwater Conservation District Board of Directors for a term of four years to expire August 2023. - Kathy Turner Jones, General Manager, Prairielands Groundwater Conservation District
No action to be taken: Discussion regarding Ellis County's removal and replacement of the existing network backbone with new Cisco Meraki hardware. Professional services and trade-in allowance included under State of Texas DIR contract # DIR-TSO-2542, $338,277.42. - Teral Crawford, Information Technology
Discussion and clarification of the impact of item 5 in the Recommendations for Heath Related Renewal listed as Agenda item 3.8 from the July 16, 2019 Ellis County Commissioner's Court meeting. Possible action to modify the action taken by the Commissioners Court regarding item 3.8 on July 16, 2019. - Paul Perry, Commissioner, Precinct 3
Consideration and action to authorize an application to the Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board. This will implement state funded upgrades to high hazard criteria in Chambers Creek Flood Prevention Sites No. 1, 7, 9, and 15 (pursuant to the existing Watershed Protection Operation and Maintenance Agreement between Ellis County and Ellis-Prairie Soil and Water Conservation District). In the event the application is granted, ninety-five percent of the funding will be provided by a matching grant by the Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board. -Joseph Jackson, Engineer
Consideration and action to award the depository bank contract for a four year term beginning October 1, 2019 through September 30, 2023. The discussion will also include possible cash safe services with the depository bank. - Cheryl Chambers, Treasurer
Acceptance of the following: 1. Compensation Order for the Official Court Reporters; 2. Compensation Order for the Deputy Court Reporters; and 3. Compensation Order for the Preparation of Certain Transcripts. - Miykael Reeve, CGFO, Auditor
Consideration and action regarding approval of mediated settlement in No. 3:18-cv-1841-S, Ingram v. Ellis County. -Ann Montgomery, Ellis County and District Attorney's Office
RECESS TO CONVENE TO EXECUTIVE SESSION EXECUTIVE SESSION The Commissioners Court of Ellis County reserves the right to adjourn into Executive Session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any of the matters listed in this agenda, in the order deemed appropriate, as authorized by Texas Government Code 551, or to seek the advice of its attorney and/or other attorneys representing Ellis County on any matter in which the duty of the attorney to the Commissioners Court under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with Texas Government Code Chapter 551 or as otherwise may be permitted under 551. 4.1 Pursuant to §551.074 of the Government Code, consultation regarding personnel matters. 4.2 Pursuant to §551.071 of the Government Code, consultation with counsel regarding pending or contemplated litigation concerning notice of claim and potential litigation against Ellis County concerning property damage to a vehicle owned by Norma Arrambide in the amount of $421.33. - Vance Hinds, Ellis County and District Attorney's Office 4.3 Pursuant to §551.071 of the Government Code, consultation with counsel regarding the following litigation cases: 1. No. 3:18-cv-1841-S, Ingram v. Ellis County 2. No. 3:17-cv-00067-S, Kipp v. Laubach and Ellis County 3. No. 3:18-cv-03152-S, Solis v. Ellis County 4. No. 97483, Hill and Killough v. Ellis County 5. No. 97524, Jones v. Egan and Ortiz 6. No. 91288, Pineda v. Ellis County ADJOURNMENT OF EXECUTIVE SESSION
Consideration and action regarding approval of mediated settlement in No. 3:18-cv-1841-S, Ingram v. Ellis County. -Ann Montgomery, Ellis County and District Attorney's Office
Consideration and possible action regarding approval of the Ellis County Road and Bridge Fee and imposition of optional fees for Calendar Year 2020. - Vance Hinds, Ellis County and District Attorney's Office
3.10 Consideration and possible action approving the continued receipt of Ellis County's share of bingo prize fee funds collected on charitable bingo activity in Ellis County pursuant to Section 2001.502 of the Texas Occupations Code, as amended by House Bill (HB) 914 and enacted by the 86th Texas Legislature, effective January 1, 2020. - Vance Hinds, Ellis County and District Attorney's Office 3.11 Consideration and possible action authorizing the Ellis County and District Attorney to notify the Texas Lottery Commission and each licensed charitable bingo authorization in Ellis County of the continued receipt of Ellis County's share of bingo prize fee funds collected on charitable bingo activity in Ellis County pursuant to Section 2001.502 of the Texas Occupations Code, as amended by House Bill (HB) 914 and enacted by the 86th Texas Legislature, effective January 1, 2020. - Vance Hinds, Ellis County and District Attorney's Office
3.12 Discussion, consideration, and action on the authorization of the Ellis County Local Provider Participation Fund. - Todd Little, County Judge 3.13 Discussion, consideration, and action on the creation of the Ellis County Local Provider Participation Fund. - Todd Little, County Judge 3.14 Discussion, consideration, and action on the adoption of the Ellis County Health Care Participation Program Rules and Procedures. - Todd Little, County Judge 3.15 Discussion, consideration, and action on the designation of at least one bank as the depository for mandatory payments received by Ellis County under the Local Provider Participation Fund. - Todd Little, County Judge 3.16 Discussion, consideration, and action on the requirement that each institutional health care provider submit a copy of any financial and utilization data required by and reported to the Department of State Health Services under Texas Health & Safety Code Sections 311.032 and 311.033. - Todd Little, County Judge 3.17 Discussion, consideration, and action on the amount of the mandatory provider participation payments that the Ellis County Commissioners Court intends to require of all local hospitals in fiscal year (FY) 2019 and how the revenue derived from those payments is to be spent. - Todd Little, County Judge
Overview of I.T. personnel and duties, recent project implementations, future projects. - Terol Crawford, Information Technology Director
Overview of department; serving attorneys, paralegals, litigants, the general public, and trustees as a source of legal research. - Carla Cates, Law Library
Introduction of April Henson; overview of department; outreach events. - Ellsworth Haling, Veterans Services
3.19 Authorization for Ellis County staff and the County's Financial Advisor to initiate the process to issue debt to fund proposed capital improvement projects. - Miykael Reeve, CGFO, Auditor ADJOURNMENT
County Judge will call meeting to order, declare quorum if present, and declare notices legally posted pursuant to Open Meetings Act §551 Motion to open meeting Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance - Commissioner Paul Perry
Administrative: A1 Approval of Regular Bills, Payroll, and Officers' Reports. A2 Approval of Commissioners Court Minutes from July 16, 2019. - Krystal Valdez, County Clerk A3 Approval for County Judge to sign the UT Southwestern Medical Center Mobile Mammography Service Agreement. - Theresa Taylor, Human Resources A4 Acceptance of 2nd Quarter 2019 Ellis County Investment Report. - Cheryl Chambers, Treasurer A5 Acceptance of the Interlocal agreements between Ellis County Precinct 2 and City of Alma to rehabilitate roads for Section House Road, Whitfill Road, Zmolek Road, Alma Drive, and Toth Road, in the amount of $178,800.00. - Lane Grayson, Commissioner, Precinct 2 A6 Approval of action to repair the following streets for the City of Italy under Interlocal Agreement. (South Ward, Parker, Rosemond Lane, Wood, Mesquite, Elm, Panther, and MLK Jr.) - Paul Perry, Commissioner, Precinct 3 A7 Approval of action regarding Interlocal Minute Order 499.18(b) for Palmer ISD. Work includes chip seal on existing street by High School; dimensions quoted 20' x 664' and 1,080 sq. ft. parking lots by AG barns. - Randy Stinson, Commissioner, Precinct 1 A8 Submission of the annual budget of the Ellis County Juvenile Probation A9 Approval for the County Judge to order the Special Election to fill vacancies in the city of Bardwell to be held on November 5, 2019 for the purpose of electing a Mayor and two Council Members as required by Subchapter A, Chapter 8 Sec. 24.026(b) of the Texas Local Government Code. - Todd Little, County Judge A1O Approval to renew maintenance contract for 480-9322-00 L-1 Jetscan, i l 2 1 , iFX with Cummins Allison. This is an annual service contract for the money counter and check depositing machine (Serial Number IH21040613259) in the Treasurer's office for $424.00. The term is 09/01/2019 to 08/31/2020. - Cheryl Chambers, Treasurer A11 Authorization for the County Judge to request funds from the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts associated with unclaimed capital credits received from Electric Cooperatives and to certify that use of funds will be for a program as specified under Texas Local Government Code §381.004. Upon receipt, the budget will be amended accordingly. - Todd Little, County Judge Financial: F2 From 001-0614-508050 Conference $300.00 To 001-0614-508090 Auto Repairs $300.00 - Mike Jones, Constable, Precinct 4 F3 From 001-0015-508070 General Misc. $1,533.00 To 001-0015-507120 Radios $1,533.00 - Chuck Edge, Sheriff F4 From 042-0942-303020 Fund Balance $17,208.42 To 042-0942-508020 Equipment $17,208.42 - Chuck Edge, Sheriff F5 From 001-0010-508240 Collision Repair $2,000.00; 001-0010-508650 Pre-Empl Screening $1,000.00; 001-0010-508700 Estray $70.28; 001-0010-509040 Animal Control $76.89 To 001-0010-508100 Auto Tires $2,000.00; 001-0010-508010 Supplies $1,000.00; 001-0010-509460 Dispatch Equipment $70.28; 001-0010-508070 General Misc. $76.89 - Chuck Edge, Sheriff F6 To 001-0520-508730 Maint. Rps Office Equipment $900.00; 001-0520-508740 Docket Books- Printing $500.00 To 001-0520-508010 Supplies $500.00; 001-0520-508030 Office Fixture- Furniture $900.00 -Jackie Miller, Jr., Justice of the Peace, Precinct 2 F7 From 001-0210-409640 Contracting Elections $14,000.00 To 001-0210-508010 Supplies $1,700.00; 001-0210-508480 Holding Salary $11,750.00; 001-0210-506950 FICA $150.00; 001- 0210-507030 Telephone $200.00; 001-0210-508050 Conference $200.00 -Jana Onyon, Elections F8 From 001-0060-508080 Auto Gas $250.00; 001-0060-508090 Auto Repair $500.00; 001-0060- 508100 Auto Tires $500.00; 001-0060-508190 Computer $500.00 To 001-0060-508010 Supplies $500.00; 001-0060-508050 Conference $1,250.00 - Alberto Mares, Department of Development F9 From 009-0602-400080 FMl-lnterlocal $117,383.59 To 009-0602-508020 FMl-Purchase of Equipment $117,383.59 - Randy Stinson, Commissioner, Precinct 1 F10 From 012-0755-303020 FM4/Fund Bal Carryover $100,000.00 To 012-0755-509110 FM4/Gravel $100,000.00 - Kyle Butler, Commissioner, Precinct 4 F11 From 001-0430-509760 Preparedness Fair $250.00 To 001-0430-508680 EMC Contract Services (Copier) $250.00 - Samantha Pickett, Emergency Management Coordinator F12 From 001-0010-406590 Insurance Reimbursement $2,500.00 To 001-0140-508070 Other Expenses $2,500.00 - Todd Little, County Judge Simplified Plat: SP1 Consideration and action regarding a simplified plat of Donald Subdivision. The property contains ± 20.02 acres in the L. Parsons Survey, Abstract No. 862, located on the south side of FM 916, ± 1,554 feet west of the intersection of Wiggins Road and FM 916, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 3. SP2 Consideration and action regarding a simplified plat of Underwood Farm, Lot 1. The property contains ± 1.138 acres in the Jesse Benton Survey, Abstract No. 39 located on the north side of Old Maypearl Road ± 6,700 feet east of Greathouse Road, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 3.
Consideration and action regarding a request to replat of Abigail Acres, Lot IR to adjust the lot lines for residential use. The property contains a total of ± 3.490 acres of land, located on the south side of Brindley Road ± 3,080 feet west of FM 66, Ellis County Road & Bridge Pet. No. 3.
Consideration and action regarding authorization to lease with option to purchase a new chip spreader through the Buyboard in the amount of $289,450.00; for Road and Bridge Precinct 2.
Consideration and action for approval of the purchase of video cameras for JP Pct. 1 and Tax Office in the Ellis County sub courthouse in Ennis, TX in the amount of $10,099.00.
Consideration and action to re-appoint director Maurice Osborn to the Prairielands Groundwater Conservation District Board of Directors for a term of four years to expire August 2023. - Kathy Turner Jones, General Manager, Prairielands Groundwater Conservation District
No action to be taken: Discussion regarding Ellis County's removal and replacement of the existing network backbone with new Cisco Meraki hardware. Professional services and trade-in allowance included under State of Texas DIR contract # DIR-TSO-2542, $338,277.42. - Teral Crawford, Information Technology
Discussion and clarification of the impact of item 5 in the Recommendations for Heath Related Renewal listed as Agenda item 3.8 from the July 16, 2019 Ellis County Commissioner's Court meeting. Possible action to modify the action taken by the Commissioners Court regarding item 3.8 on July 16, 2019. - Paul Perry, Commissioner, Precinct 3
Consideration and action to authorize an application to the Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board. This will implement state funded upgrades to high hazard criteria in Chambers Creek Flood Prevention Sites No. 1, 7, 9, and 15 (pursuant to the existing Watershed Protection Operation and Maintenance Agreement between Ellis County and Ellis-Prairie Soil and Water Conservation District). In the event the application is granted, ninety-five percent of the funding will be provided by a matching grant by the Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board. -Joseph Jackson, Engineer
Consideration and action to award the depository bank contract for a four year term beginning October 1, 2019 through September 30, 2023. The discussion will also include possible cash safe services with the depository bank. - Cheryl Chambers, Treasurer
Acceptance of the following: 1. Compensation Order for the Official Court Reporters; 2. Compensation Order for the Deputy Court Reporters; and 3. Compensation Order for the Preparation of Certain Transcripts. - Miykael Reeve, CGFO, Auditor
Consideration and action regarding approval of mediated settlement in No. 3:18-cv-1841-S, Ingram v. Ellis County. -Ann Montgomery, Ellis County and District Attorney's Office
RECESS TO CONVENE TO EXECUTIVE SESSION EXECUTIVE SESSION The Commissioners Court of Ellis County reserves the right to adjourn into Executive Session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any of the matters listed in this agenda, in the order deemed appropriate, as authorized by Texas Government Code 551, or to seek the advice of its attorney and/or other attorneys representing Ellis County on any matter in which the duty of the attorney to the Commissioners Court under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with Texas Government Code Chapter 551 or as otherwise may be permitted under 551. 4.1 Pursuant to §551.074 of the Government Code, consultation regarding personnel matters. 4.2 Pursuant to §551.071 of the Government Code, consultation with counsel regarding pending or contemplated litigation concerning notice of claim and potential litigation against Ellis County concerning property damage to a vehicle owned by Norma Arrambide in the amount of $421.33. - Vance Hinds, Ellis County and District Attorney's Office 4.3 Pursuant to §551.071 of the Government Code, consultation with counsel regarding the following litigation cases: 1. No. 3:18-cv-1841-S, Ingram v. Ellis County 2. No. 3:17-cv-00067-S, Kipp v. Laubach and Ellis County 3. No. 3:18-cv-03152-S, Solis v. Ellis County 4. No. 97483, Hill and Killough v. Ellis County 5. No. 97524, Jones v. Egan and Ortiz 6. No. 91288, Pineda v. Ellis County ADJOURNMENT OF EXECUTIVE SESSION
Consideration and action regarding approval of mediated settlement in No. 3:18-cv-1841-S, Ingram v. Ellis County. -Ann Montgomery, Ellis County and District Attorney's Office
Consideration and possible action regarding approval of the Ellis County Road and Bridge Fee and imposition of optional fees for Calendar Year 2020. - Vance Hinds, Ellis County and District Attorney's Office
3.10 Consideration and possible action approving the continued receipt of Ellis County's share of bingo prize fee funds collected on charitable bingo activity in Ellis County pursuant to Section 2001.502 of the Texas Occupations Code, as amended by House Bill (HB) 914 and enacted by the 86th Texas Legislature, effective January 1, 2020. - Vance Hinds, Ellis County and District Attorney's Office 3.11 Consideration and possible action authorizing the Ellis County and District Attorney to notify the Texas Lottery Commission and each licensed charitable bingo authorization in Ellis County of the continued receipt of Ellis County's share of bingo prize fee funds collected on charitable bingo activity in Ellis County pursuant to Section 2001.502 of the Texas Occupations Code, as amended by House Bill (HB) 914 and enacted by the 86th Texas Legislature, effective January 1, 2020. - Vance Hinds, Ellis County and District Attorney's Office
3.12 Discussion, consideration, and action on the authorization of the Ellis County Local Provider Participation Fund. - Todd Little, County Judge 3.13 Discussion, consideration, and action on the creation of the Ellis County Local Provider Participation Fund. - Todd Little, County Judge 3.14 Discussion, consideration, and action on the adoption of the Ellis County Health Care Participation Program Rules and Procedures. - Todd Little, County Judge 3.15 Discussion, consideration, and action on the designation of at least one bank as the depository for mandatory payments received by Ellis County under the Local Provider Participation Fund. - Todd Little, County Judge 3.16 Discussion, consideration, and action on the requirement that each institutional health care provider submit a copy of any financial and utilization data required by and reported to the Department of State Health Services under Texas Health & Safety Code Sections 311.032 and 311.033. - Todd Little, County Judge 3.17 Discussion, consideration, and action on the amount of the mandatory provider participation payments that the Ellis County Commissioners Court intends to require of all local hospitals in fiscal year (FY) 2019 and how the revenue derived from those payments is to be spent. - Todd Little, County Judge
Overview of I.T. personnel and duties, recent project implementations, future projects. - Terol Crawford, Information Technology Director
Overview of department; serving attorneys, paralegals, litigants, the general public, and trustees as a source of legal research. - Carla Cates, Law Library
Introduction of April Henson; overview of department; outreach events. - Ellsworth Haling, Veterans Services
3.19 Authorization for Ellis County staff and the County's Financial Advisor to initiate the process to issue debt to fund proposed capital improvement projects. - Miykael Reeve, CGFO, Auditor ADJOURNMENT