County Judge will call meeting to order, declare quorum if present, and declare notices legally posted pursuant to Open Meetings Act §551 Motion to open meeting Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance - Commissioner Kyle Butler
AA Recognition of Dale Cheek, retiring from Ellis County Sheriff's Office after 20 years of service.
Consideration and action: Administrative: Al Approval of Regular Bills, Payroll, and Officers' Reports. A2 Approval of Commissioners' Court Minutes from and August 25, 2020. - Krystal Valdez, County Clerk A4 Approval of the FY2020-21 Commissioners' Court Calendar. - Todd Little, County Judge A5 Acceptance of the annual audit of the fiscal accounts and records for Emergency Services District #1, pursuant to Chapter 775.082 of the Texas Health and Safety Code. - Tim Birdwell, Fire Marshal A6 Acceptance of the annual audit of the fiscal accounts and records for Emergency Services District #2, pursuant to Chapter 775.082 of the Texas Health and Safety Code. - Tim Birdwell, Fire Marshal A7 Acceptance of the annual audit of the fiscal accounts and records for Emergency Services District #3, pursuant to Chapter 775.082 of the Texas Health and Safety Code. - Tim Birdwell, Fire Marshal A8 Acceptance of the annual audit of the fiscal accounts and records for Emergency Services District #4, pursuant to Chapter 775.082 of the Texas Health and Safety Code. - Tim Birdwell, Fire Marshal A9 Acceptance of the annual audit of the fiscal accounts and records for Emergency Services District #6, pursuant to Chapter 775.082 of the Texas Health and Safety Code. - Tim Birdwell, Fire Marshal AlO Acceptance of the annual audit of the fiscal accounts and records for Emergency Services District #7, pursuant to Chapter 775.082 of the Texas Health and Safety Code. - Tim Birdwell, Fire Marshal All Acceptance of the annual audit of the fiscal accounts and records for Emergency Services District #8, pursuant to Chapter 775.082 of the Texas Health and Safety Code. - Tim Birdwell, Fire Marshal A12 Acceptance of the annual audit of the fiscal accounts and records for Emergency Services District #9, pursuant to Chapter 775.082 of the Texas Health and Safety Code. - Tim Birdwell, Fire Marshal A13 Authorize the County Judge to execute a renewal of a contract with FPSI (Fire and Police Selection Inc) for the entry level Deputy Sheriff employment exams. This is our current vendor and is a budgeted expense. - Chuck Edge, Sheriff A14 Approval for the County Judge to execute an amendment to the contract approved on October 27, 2013 (Minute Order 382.13) for Software Services from Swagit Productions, LLC. - E.J. Harbin, Purchasing Financial: Fl Acceptance of a tabulated report of the county's receipts and disbursements of funds from August 19, 2020 - August 30, 2020, pursuant to Local Government Code §114.024. -Janet Martin, Audit F2 FY2019-20 Line Item Adjustment: DECREASE 001-0010-508700 Estray by $842.93; DECREASE 001-0010-509380 DWI Warrant Review by $191.12; INCREASE 001-0010-508890 Transport Expense by $842.93; INCREASE 001-0010-508470 Promotional/Printing by $191.12. - Chuck Edge, Sheriff F3 FY2019-20 Line Item Adjustment: DECREASE 001-0015-508880 Computer Software by $250.77; INCREASE 001-0015-508030 Furniture/Fixture by $46.93; INCREASE 001-0015-508210 Jailer Uniform by $203.84. - Chuck Edge, Sheriff F4 FY2019-20 Line Item Adjustment: DECREASE 001-0050-508190 Computer Equipment by $15.79; DECREASE 001-0050-508430 4-H Travel by $500.00; DECREASE 001-0050-508050 Conference by $500.00; INCREASE 001-0050-508010 Supplies by $1,015.79. - Mark Arnold, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Office F5 FY2019-20 Line Item Adjustment: DECREASE 001-0140-505600 Com/Fringe Liability by $2,598.00; INCREASE 001-0020-505020 Salaries - Full Time by $2,175.00; INCREASE 001-0020-505530 Social Security by $167.00; INCREASE 001-0020-505540 Retirement by $256.00. - Todd Little, County Judge; Keith Roberts, Maintenance F6 FY2019-20 Line Item Adjustment: DECREASE 001-0380-508320 Visiting Judge by $450.00; INCREASE 001-0380-508190 Computer Equipment by $450.00. -Jim Chapman, County Court at Law#l F7 FY2019-20 Line Item Adjustment: DECREASE 009-0602-509080 FMl Lumber by $15,000.00; DECREASE 009-0602-508680 FMl Contract Labor by $5,000.00; INCREASE 009-0602-509110 FMl Gravel by $15,000.00; INCREASE 009-0602-509140 FMl Signs by $5,000.00. - Randy Stinson, Commissioner, Road & Bridge Precinct 1 F8 FY2019-20 Line Item Adjustment: DECREASE 003-0601-509150 RBI Asphalt by $45,354.00; INCREASE 003-0601-509110 RBI Gravel by $45,354.00. - Randy Stinson, Commissioner, Road & Bridge Precinct 1 F9 FY2019-20 Line Item Adjustment: DECREASE 001-0060-506010 Travel Reimb by $540.00; DECREASE 001-0060-507030 Telephone by $350.00; DECREASE 001-0060-508060 Dues by $200.00; DECREASE 001-0060-508080 Auto Gas by $2,100.00; DECREASE 001-0060-508100 Tires by $200.00; DECREASE 001-0060-508730 Office Equip Maint by $610.00; INCREASE 001-0060-508010 Supplies by $1,000.00; INCREASE 001-0060-508020 Equipment by $1,000.00; INCREASE 001-0060-508050 Conference by $500.00; INCREASE 001-0060-508090 Auto Repair by $850.00; INCREASE 001-0060-508190 by $650.00. -Alberto Mares, Department of Development F10 FY2019-20 Line Item Adjustment: DECREASE 001-0210-508880 Computer Software by $8,600.00; INCREASE 001-0210-508480 Part Time Election Salaries by $8,600.00. -Jana Onyon, Elections Fll FY2019-20 Line Item Adjustment: DECREASE 001-0450-508020 Equipment by $300.00; INCREASE 001-0450-508080 Auto Gas by $300.00. - Tim Birdwell, Fire Marshal
Approval of payment to Dr. Leigh Nordstrom in the amount of $7,425.00 for 49.5 hours of work related to COVID-19 pandemic response. - Todd Little, County Judge
FY2019-20 Budget Amendment: INCREASE 042-0942-303020 Budgeted Fund Balance by $1,701.72; INCREASE 042-0942-508020 Equipment by $1,701.72. - Chuck Edge, Sheriff
REGULAR AGENDA - Discussion, consideration, and action: DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Consideration and action upon a plat of Lot 1, Block 1, Lacey Addition. The property contains ± 2.403 acres of land in the Samuel Billingsley Survey, Abstract No. 78, located on the south side of FM 2377 ± 1,505 feet east of Hollie Drive, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 1.
Consideration and action upon a plat of G. Martinez and Bros Estates Plat. The property contains ± 8.498 acres of land in the R. De La Pena Survey, Abstract No. 3, located on the northwest side of Newton Road ± 2,134 feet south of Bobs Run Drive, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 1.
Consideration and action for a request to accept a performance bond for the Bella Vista Subdivision (Parcel ID No. 191729). This property contains ± 40.730 acres of land in the Henry Taylor Survey, Abstract No. 1099, located on the north side FM 875, ± 1,622 feet west of the intersection of Skinner Road and FM 875 Road, in the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Midlothian, Road & Bridge Precinct No. 4.
PURCHASING Consideration and action to provide authorization to advertise and solicit bids for printed forms including letterhead, envelopes, business cards, and other printing materials for the county.
Consideration and action to provide authorization to advertise and solicit bids for wholesale gas and diesel for precinct tanks/barns and Ellis County Sheriff's Office.
Consideration and action to provide authorization to advertise and solicit bids for convenience store fuel.
Discussion, consideration and approval for the tiered award of Bid Number RFB 2020-018 -Contract for Miscellaneous Concrete Work to J.C. Concrete (Primary Section "A" and "B"); J&K Excavation (Primary Section "C"); Joe Muirhead Concrete Services (Secondary all) and Don Smith Concrete (Tertiary all).
Consideration and action to declare the listed vehicles and equipment as surplus for various Ellis County Departments and to be disposed in accordance with Local Government Code Chapter 263: MAKE YEAR MODEL VIN a. FORD 2005 EXPLORER 1FMZU73K75ZA14610 b. DODGE 2005 RAM 1D7HA18N55S210956 c. DODGE 2005 RAM 1D7HA18N64S741369 d. DODGE 2010 CHARGER 2B3CA4CV1AH203535 e. ACURA LEGEND JH4KA7655MC037386 f. MAZDA 6 1YVFP80C365M17395 g. FORD 2007 500 1FAHP241976150337 h. MITSUBISHI DIAMANTE GMMAP47P2XT004351 i. GMC 1993 PICKUP 2GTEC19K3P1550847
ADMINISTRATIVE Presentation by Midlothian Economic Development regarding Project 1906, also known as Earth Root Holdings, LLC. - Kyle Kintateder, Midlothian Economic Development
Consideration and action to advise Human Resources, Payroll, and the Auditor's Office of the Commissioners' Court's desire to implement or not implement Presidential Executive Order on deferment of FICA. -Janet Martin, Audit
Consideration and approval to participate in the Texas Association of Counties (TAC) cybersecurity training program and for County Judge to sign agreement. - Theresa Taylor, Human Resources
RECESS REGULAR SESSION TO CONVENE TO PUBLIC HEARING PUBLIC HEARING Public Hearing on FY 2020-2021 Proposed Tax Rate, pursuant to Texas Tax Code §26.06.
Public Hearing on FY 2020-2021 Proposed Ellis County Budget, pursuant to Local Government Code §111.007. ADJOURNMENT OF PUBLIC HEARING
RECONVENE TO REGULAR SESSION Discuss and consider the recommendation of the FY2020-21 Salary Grievance Committee: a 5% raise for Ellis County Constables. This was recommended by a 7-2 vote on August 27, 2020. - Todd Little, County Judge
Discussion, consideration, and action to adopt the FY 2020-2021 Budget pursuant to Local Government Code §111.008. - Todd Little, County Judge
Discussion, consideration, and action to adopt a County tax rate of 0.320946 (consisting of an Interest and Sinking rate of 0.019531 and a Maintenance and Operations rate of 0.301415), and to adopt a Farm to Market tax rate of 0.031182 for Ellis County FY 2020-2021, pursuant to Texas Local Government Code §81.006 and Texas Tax Code §26.05. This will make the total tax rate 0.352128 per $100 of taxable value. - Todd Little, County Judge ADJOURNMENT
County Judge will call meeting to order, declare quorum if present, and declare notices legally posted pursuant to Open Meetings Act §551 Motion to open meeting Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance - Commissioner Kyle Butler
AA Recognition of Dale Cheek, retiring from Ellis County Sheriff's Office after 20 years of service.
Consideration and action: Administrative: Al Approval of Regular Bills, Payroll, and Officers' Reports. A2 Approval of Commissioners' Court Minutes from and August 25, 2020. - Krystal Valdez, County Clerk A4 Approval of the FY2020-21 Commissioners' Court Calendar. - Todd Little, County Judge A5 Acceptance of the annual audit of the fiscal accounts and records for Emergency Services District #1, pursuant to Chapter 775.082 of the Texas Health and Safety Code. - Tim Birdwell, Fire Marshal A6 Acceptance of the annual audit of the fiscal accounts and records for Emergency Services District #2, pursuant to Chapter 775.082 of the Texas Health and Safety Code. - Tim Birdwell, Fire Marshal A7 Acceptance of the annual audit of the fiscal accounts and records for Emergency Services District #3, pursuant to Chapter 775.082 of the Texas Health and Safety Code. - Tim Birdwell, Fire Marshal A8 Acceptance of the annual audit of the fiscal accounts and records for Emergency Services District #4, pursuant to Chapter 775.082 of the Texas Health and Safety Code. - Tim Birdwell, Fire Marshal A9 Acceptance of the annual audit of the fiscal accounts and records for Emergency Services District #6, pursuant to Chapter 775.082 of the Texas Health and Safety Code. - Tim Birdwell, Fire Marshal AlO Acceptance of the annual audit of the fiscal accounts and records for Emergency Services District #7, pursuant to Chapter 775.082 of the Texas Health and Safety Code. - Tim Birdwell, Fire Marshal All Acceptance of the annual audit of the fiscal accounts and records for Emergency Services District #8, pursuant to Chapter 775.082 of the Texas Health and Safety Code. - Tim Birdwell, Fire Marshal A12 Acceptance of the annual audit of the fiscal accounts and records for Emergency Services District #9, pursuant to Chapter 775.082 of the Texas Health and Safety Code. - Tim Birdwell, Fire Marshal A13 Authorize the County Judge to execute a renewal of a contract with FPSI (Fire and Police Selection Inc) for the entry level Deputy Sheriff employment exams. This is our current vendor and is a budgeted expense. - Chuck Edge, Sheriff A14 Approval for the County Judge to execute an amendment to the contract approved on October 27, 2013 (Minute Order 382.13) for Software Services from Swagit Productions, LLC. - E.J. Harbin, Purchasing Financial: Fl Acceptance of a tabulated report of the county's receipts and disbursements of funds from August 19, 2020 - August 30, 2020, pursuant to Local Government Code §114.024. -Janet Martin, Audit F2 FY2019-20 Line Item Adjustment: DECREASE 001-0010-508700 Estray by $842.93; DECREASE 001-0010-509380 DWI Warrant Review by $191.12; INCREASE 001-0010-508890 Transport Expense by $842.93; INCREASE 001-0010-508470 Promotional/Printing by $191.12. - Chuck Edge, Sheriff F3 FY2019-20 Line Item Adjustment: DECREASE 001-0015-508880 Computer Software by $250.77; INCREASE 001-0015-508030 Furniture/Fixture by $46.93; INCREASE 001-0015-508210 Jailer Uniform by $203.84. - Chuck Edge, Sheriff F4 FY2019-20 Line Item Adjustment: DECREASE 001-0050-508190 Computer Equipment by $15.79; DECREASE 001-0050-508430 4-H Travel by $500.00; DECREASE 001-0050-508050 Conference by $500.00; INCREASE 001-0050-508010 Supplies by $1,015.79. - Mark Arnold, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Office F5 FY2019-20 Line Item Adjustment: DECREASE 001-0140-505600 Com/Fringe Liability by $2,598.00; INCREASE 001-0020-505020 Salaries - Full Time by $2,175.00; INCREASE 001-0020-505530 Social Security by $167.00; INCREASE 001-0020-505540 Retirement by $256.00. - Todd Little, County Judge; Keith Roberts, Maintenance F6 FY2019-20 Line Item Adjustment: DECREASE 001-0380-508320 Visiting Judge by $450.00; INCREASE 001-0380-508190 Computer Equipment by $450.00. -Jim Chapman, County Court at Law#l F7 FY2019-20 Line Item Adjustment: DECREASE 009-0602-509080 FMl Lumber by $15,000.00; DECREASE 009-0602-508680 FMl Contract Labor by $5,000.00; INCREASE 009-0602-509110 FMl Gravel by $15,000.00; INCREASE 009-0602-509140 FMl Signs by $5,000.00. - Randy Stinson, Commissioner, Road & Bridge Precinct 1 F8 FY2019-20 Line Item Adjustment: DECREASE 003-0601-509150 RBI Asphalt by $45,354.00; INCREASE 003-0601-509110 RBI Gravel by $45,354.00. - Randy Stinson, Commissioner, Road & Bridge Precinct 1 F9 FY2019-20 Line Item Adjustment: DECREASE 001-0060-506010 Travel Reimb by $540.00; DECREASE 001-0060-507030 Telephone by $350.00; DECREASE 001-0060-508060 Dues by $200.00; DECREASE 001-0060-508080 Auto Gas by $2,100.00; DECREASE 001-0060-508100 Tires by $200.00; DECREASE 001-0060-508730 Office Equip Maint by $610.00; INCREASE 001-0060-508010 Supplies by $1,000.00; INCREASE 001-0060-508020 Equipment by $1,000.00; INCREASE 001-0060-508050 Conference by $500.00; INCREASE 001-0060-508090 Auto Repair by $850.00; INCREASE 001-0060-508190 by $650.00. -Alberto Mares, Department of Development F10 FY2019-20 Line Item Adjustment: DECREASE 001-0210-508880 Computer Software by $8,600.00; INCREASE 001-0210-508480 Part Time Election Salaries by $8,600.00. -Jana Onyon, Elections Fll FY2019-20 Line Item Adjustment: DECREASE 001-0450-508020 Equipment by $300.00; INCREASE 001-0450-508080 Auto Gas by $300.00. - Tim Birdwell, Fire Marshal
Approval of payment to Dr. Leigh Nordstrom in the amount of $7,425.00 for 49.5 hours of work related to COVID-19 pandemic response. - Todd Little, County Judge
FY2019-20 Budget Amendment: INCREASE 042-0942-303020 Budgeted Fund Balance by $1,701.72; INCREASE 042-0942-508020 Equipment by $1,701.72. - Chuck Edge, Sheriff
REGULAR AGENDA - Discussion, consideration, and action: DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Consideration and action upon a plat of Lot 1, Block 1, Lacey Addition. The property contains ± 2.403 acres of land in the Samuel Billingsley Survey, Abstract No. 78, located on the south side of FM 2377 ± 1,505 feet east of Hollie Drive, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 1.
Consideration and action upon a plat of G. Martinez and Bros Estates Plat. The property contains ± 8.498 acres of land in the R. De La Pena Survey, Abstract No. 3, located on the northwest side of Newton Road ± 2,134 feet south of Bobs Run Drive, Road and Bridge Precinct No. 1.
Consideration and action for a request to accept a performance bond for the Bella Vista Subdivision (Parcel ID No. 191729). This property contains ± 40.730 acres of land in the Henry Taylor Survey, Abstract No. 1099, located on the north side FM 875, ± 1,622 feet west of the intersection of Skinner Road and FM 875 Road, in the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Midlothian, Road & Bridge Precinct No. 4.
PURCHASING Consideration and action to provide authorization to advertise and solicit bids for printed forms including letterhead, envelopes, business cards, and other printing materials for the county.
Consideration and action to provide authorization to advertise and solicit bids for wholesale gas and diesel for precinct tanks/barns and Ellis County Sheriff's Office.
Consideration and action to provide authorization to advertise and solicit bids for convenience store fuel.
Discussion, consideration and approval for the tiered award of Bid Number RFB 2020-018 -Contract for Miscellaneous Concrete Work to J.C. Concrete (Primary Section "A" and "B"); J&K Excavation (Primary Section "C"); Joe Muirhead Concrete Services (Secondary all) and Don Smith Concrete (Tertiary all).
Consideration and action to declare the listed vehicles and equipment as surplus for various Ellis County Departments and to be disposed in accordance with Local Government Code Chapter 263: MAKE YEAR MODEL VIN a. FORD 2005 EXPLORER 1FMZU73K75ZA14610 b. DODGE 2005 RAM 1D7HA18N55S210956 c. DODGE 2005 RAM 1D7HA18N64S741369 d. DODGE 2010 CHARGER 2B3CA4CV1AH203535 e. ACURA LEGEND JH4KA7655MC037386 f. MAZDA 6 1YVFP80C365M17395 g. FORD 2007 500 1FAHP241976150337 h. MITSUBISHI DIAMANTE GMMAP47P2XT004351 i. GMC 1993 PICKUP 2GTEC19K3P1550847
ADMINISTRATIVE Presentation by Midlothian Economic Development regarding Project 1906, also known as Earth Root Holdings, LLC. - Kyle Kintateder, Midlothian Economic Development
Consideration and action to advise Human Resources, Payroll, and the Auditor's Office of the Commissioners' Court's desire to implement or not implement Presidential Executive Order on deferment of FICA. -Janet Martin, Audit
Consideration and approval to participate in the Texas Association of Counties (TAC) cybersecurity training program and for County Judge to sign agreement. - Theresa Taylor, Human Resources
RECESS REGULAR SESSION TO CONVENE TO PUBLIC HEARING PUBLIC HEARING Public Hearing on FY 2020-2021 Proposed Tax Rate, pursuant to Texas Tax Code §26.06.
Public Hearing on FY 2020-2021 Proposed Ellis County Budget, pursuant to Local Government Code §111.007. ADJOURNMENT OF PUBLIC HEARING
RECONVENE TO REGULAR SESSION Discuss and consider the recommendation of the FY2020-21 Salary Grievance Committee: a 5% raise for Ellis County Constables. This was recommended by a 7-2 vote on August 27, 2020. - Todd Little, County Judge
Discussion, consideration, and action to adopt the FY 2020-2021 Budget pursuant to Local Government Code §111.008. - Todd Little, County Judge
Discussion, consideration, and action to adopt a County tax rate of 0.320946 (consisting of an Interest and Sinking rate of 0.019531 and a Maintenance and Operations rate of 0.301415), and to adopt a Farm to Market tax rate of 0.031182 for Ellis County FY 2020-2021, pursuant to Texas Local Government Code §81.006 and Texas Tax Code §26.05. This will make the total tax rate 0.352128 per $100 of taxable value. - Todd Little, County Judge ADJOURNMENT